Spring LDAP

Package org.springframework.ldap.odm.core

Provides an OdmManager interface for interaction with an LDAP directory.


Interface Summary
ObjectDirectoryMapper The ObjectDirectoryMapper keeps track of managed class metadata and is used by LdapTemplate to map to/from entity objects annotated with the annotations specified in the org.springframework.ldap.odm.annotations package.
OdmManager Deprecated. This functionality is automatically available in LdapTemplate as of version 2.0

Exception Summary
OdmException The root of the Spring LDAP ODM exception hierarchy.

Package org.springframework.ldap.odm.core Description

Provides an OdmManager interface for interaction with an LDAP directory.

Implementations of this interface are intended to be used in conjunction with classes annotated with org.springframework.ldap.odm.annotations.

Paul Harvey <paul.at.pauls-place.me.uk>

Spring LDAP