For the latest stable version, please use Spring LDAP 3.2.7!

Advanced LDAP Queries

This section covers various how to use LDAP queries with Spring LDAP.

LDAP Query Builder Parameters

The LdapQueryBuilder and its associated classes are intended to support all of the parameters that can be supplied to an LDAP search. The following parameters are supported:

  • base: Specifies the root DN in the LDAP tree where the search should start.

  • searchScope: Specifies how deep into the LDAP tree the search should traverse.

  • attributes: Specifies the attributes to return from the search. The default is all.

  • countLimit: Specifies the maximum number of entries to return from the search.

  • timeLimit: Specifies the maximum time that the search may take.

  • Search filter: The conditions that the entries we are looking for must meet.

An LdapQueryBuilder is created with a call to the query method of LdapQueryBuilder. It is intended as a fluent builder API, where the base parameters are defined first, followed by the filter specification calls. Once filter conditions have been started to be defined with a call to the where method of LdapQueryBuilder, later attempts to call (for example) base are rejected. The base search parameters are optional, but at least one filter specification call is required. The following query searches for all entries with an object class of Person:

Example 1. Search for all entries with object class Person
import static org.springframework.ldap.query.LdapQueryBuilder.query;

List<Person> persons =
      .toList(new PersonAttributesMapper());

The following query searches for all entries with an object class of person and a cn (common name) of John Doe:

Example 2. Search for all entries with object class person and cn=John Doe
import static org.springframework.ldap.query.LdapQueryBuilder.query;

List<Person> persons =
      .query(query().where("objectclass").is("person").and("cn").is("John Doe"))
      .toList(new PersonAttributesMapper());

The following query searches for all entries with an object class of person and starting at a dc (domain component) of dc=261consulting,dc=com:

Example 3. Search for all entries with object class person starting at dc=261consulting,dc=com
import static org.springframework.ldap.query.LdapQueryBuilder.query;

List<Person> persons =
      .toList(new PersonAttributesMapper());

The following query returns the cn (common name) attribute for all entries with an object class of person and starting at a dc (domain component) of dc=261consulting,dc=com:

Example 4. Search for all entries with class Person starting at dc=261consulting,dc=com, returning only the cn attribute
import static org.springframework.ldap.query.LdapQueryBuilder.query;

Stream<Person> persons =
      .toStream(new PersonAttributesMapper());

The following query uses or to search for multiple spellings of a common name (cn):

Example 5. Search with or criteria
import static org.springframework.ldap.query.LdapQueryBuilder.query;
Stream<Person> persons =
      .toStream(new PersonAttributesMapper());

Filter Criteria

The earlier examples demonstrate simple equals conditions in LDAP filters. The LDAP query builder has support for the following criteria types:

  • is: Specifies an equals (=) condition.

  • gte: Specifies a greater-than-or-equals (>=) condition.

  • lte: Specifies a less-than-or-equals (⇐) condition.

  • like: Specifies a “like” condition where wildcards can be included in the query — for example, where("cn").like("J*hn Doe") results in the following filter: (cn=J*hn Doe).

  • whitespaceWildcardsLike: Specifies a condition where all whitespace is replaced with wildcards — for example, where("cn").whitespaceWildcardsLike("John Doe") results in the following filter: (cn=John*Doe).

  • isPresent: Specifies a condition that checks for the presence of an attribute — for example, where("cn").isPresent() results in the following filter: (cn=*).

  • not: Specifies that the current condition should be negated — for example, where("sn").not().is("Doe) results in the following filter: (!(sn=Doe))

Hardcoded Filters

There may be occasions when you want to specify a hardcoded filter as input to an LdapQuery. LdapQueryBuilder has two methods for this purpose:

  • filter(String hardcodedFilter): Uses the specified string as a filter. Note that the specified input string is not touched in any way, meaning that this method is not particularly well suited if you are building filters from user input.

  • filter(String filterFormat, String…​ params): Uses the specified string as input to MessageFormat, properly encoding the parameters and inserting them at the specified places in the filter string.

  • filter(Filter filter): Uses the specified filter.

You cannot mix the hardcoded filter methods with the where approach described earlier. It is either one or the other. If you specify a filter by using filter(), you get an exception if you try to call where afterwards.