Spring LDAP Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use NameClassPairMapper
org.springframework.ldap.core Core package of the JNDI/LDAP support. 

Uses of NameClassPairMapper in org.springframework.ldap.core

Classes in org.springframework.ldap.core that implement NameClassPairMapper
 class DefaultNameClassPairMapper
          The default NameClassPairMapper implementation.

Methods in org.springframework.ldap.core with parameters of type NameClassPairMapper
 List LdapTemplate.list(Name base, NameClassPairMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.list(Name base, NameClassPairMapper mapper)
          Perform a non-recursive listing of the children of the given base.
 List LdapTemplate.list(String base, NameClassPairMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.list(String base, NameClassPairMapper mapper)
          Perform a non-recursive listing of the children of the given base.
 List LdapTemplate.listBindings(Name base, NameClassPairMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.listBindings(Name base, NameClassPairMapper mapper)
          Perform a non-recursive listing of the children of the given base.
 List LdapTemplate.listBindings(String base, NameClassPairMapper mapper)
 List LdapOperations.listBindings(String base, NameClassPairMapper mapper)
          Perform a non-recursive listing of the children of the given base.

Constructors in org.springframework.ldap.core with parameters of type NameClassPairMapper
LdapTemplate.MappingCollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler(NameClassPairMapper mapper)

Spring LDAP Framework

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