Spring LDAP Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ParameterizedContextMapper
org.springframework.ldap.core.simple Simplification layer over LdapTemplate for Java 5 and above. 

Uses of ParameterizedContextMapper in org.springframework.ldap.core.simple

Subinterfaces of ParameterizedContextMapper in org.springframework.ldap.core.simple
 interface ParameterizedContextMapperWithControls<T>
          Extension of the ParameterizedContextMapper interface that allows controls to be passed to the mapper implementation.

Classes in org.springframework.ldap.core.simple that implement ParameterizedContextMapper
 class AbstractParameterizedContextMapper<T>
          Abstract superclass that may be used instead of implementing ParameterizedContextMapper directly.

Methods in org.springframework.ldap.core.simple with parameters of type ParameterizedContextMapper
<T> T
SimpleLdapTemplate.lookup(Name dn, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper)
<T> T
SimpleLdapOperations.lookup(Name dn, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper)
          Perform a lookup of the specified DN and map the result using the mapper.
<T> T
SimpleLdapTemplate.lookup(String dn, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper)
<T> T
SimpleLdapOperations.lookup(String dn, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper)
          Perform a lookup of the specified DN and map the result using the mapper.
<T> List<T>
SimpleLdapTemplate.search(Name base, String filter, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper)
<T> List<T>
SimpleLdapOperations.search(Name base, String filter, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper)
          Search for a List of type T using the supplied filter and link ParameterizedContextMapper.
<T> List<T>
SimpleLdapTemplate.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
<T> List<T>
SimpleLdapOperations.search(Name base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Search for a List of type T using the supplied filter, SearchControls, DirContextProcessor and ParameterizedContextMapper.
<T> List<T>
SimpleLdapTemplate.search(String base, String filter, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper)
<T> List<T>
SimpleLdapOperations.search(String base, String filter, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper)
          Search for a List of type T using the supplied filter and link ParameterizedContextMapper.
<T> List<T>
SimpleLdapTemplate.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
<T> List<T>
SimpleLdapOperations.search(String base, String filter, SearchControls controls, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper, DirContextProcessor processor)
          Search for a List of type T using the supplied filter, SearchControls, DirContextProcessor and ParameterizedContextMapper.
<T> T
SimpleLdapTemplate.searchForObject(Name base, String filter, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper)
<T> T
SimpleLdapOperations.searchForObject(Name base, String filter, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper)
          Perform a search for a unique entry matching the specified search criteria and return the found object.
<T> T
SimpleLdapTemplate.searchForObject(String base, String filter, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper)
<T> T
SimpleLdapOperations.searchForObject(String base, String filter, ParameterizedContextMapper<T> mapper)
          Perform a search for a unique entry matching the specified search criteria and return the found object.

Spring LDAP Framework

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