Spring LDAP Framework | |||||||||
Exception Summary | |
AttributeInUseException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI AttributeInUseException. |
AttributeModificationException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI AttributeModificationException. |
AuthenticationException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI AuthenticationException. |
AuthenticationNotSupportedException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI AuthenticationNotSupportedException. |
BadLdapGrammarException | Thrown to indicate that an invalid value has been supplied to an LDAP operation. |
CannotProceedException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI CannotProceedException. |
CommunicationException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI CommunicationException. |
ConfigurationException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI ConfigurationException. |
ContextNotEmptyException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI ContextNotEmptyException. |
InsufficientResourcesException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InsufficientResourcesException. |
InterruptedNamingException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InterruptedNamingException. |
InvalidAttributeIdentifierException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InvalidAttributeIdentifierException. |
InvalidAttributesException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InvalidAttributesException. |
InvalidAttributeValueException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InvalidAttributeValueException. |
InvalidNameException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InvalidNameException. |
InvalidSearchControlsException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InvalidSearchControlsException. |
InvalidSearchFilterException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI InvalidSearchFilterException. |
LdapReferralException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI LdapReferralException. |
LimitExceededException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI LimitExceededException. |
LinkException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI LinkException. |
LinkLoopException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI LinkLoopException. |
MalformedLinkException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI MalformedLinkException. |
NameAlreadyBoundException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NameAlreadyBoundException. |
NameNotFoundException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NameNotFoundException. |
NamingException | Base class for exception thrown by the framework whenever it encounters a problem related to LDAP. |
NamingSecurityException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NamingSecurityException. |
NoInitialContextException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NoInitialContextException. |
NoPermissionException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NoPermissionException. |
NoSuchAttributeException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NoSuchAttributeException. |
NotContextException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI NotContextException. |
OperationNotSupportedException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI OperationNotSupportedException. |
PartialResultException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI PartialResultException. |
ReferralException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI ReferralException. |
SchemaViolationException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI SchemaViolationException. |
ServiceUnavailableException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI ServiceUnavailableException. |
SizeLimitExceededException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI SizeLimitExceededException. |
TimeLimitExceededException | Runtime exception mirroring the JNDI TimeLimitExceededException. |
UncategorizedLdapException | NamingException to be thrown when no other matching subclass is found. |
Base package of Spring LDAP, containing an unchecked mirror of the JNDI NamingException hierarchy.
Spring LDAP Framework | |||||||||