Chapter 12. Object-Directory Mapping (ODM)

12.1. Introduction

Relational mapping frameworks like Hibernate and JPA have offered developers the ability to use annotations to map database tables to Java objects for some time. The Spring Framework LDAP project now offers the same ability with respect to directories through the use of the org.springframework.ldap.odm package (sometimes abbreviated as o.s.l.odm).

12.2. OdmManager

The org.springframework.ldap.odm.OdmManager interface, and its implementation, is the central class in the ODM package. The OdmManager orchestrates the process of reading objects from the directory and mapping the data to annotated Java object classes. This interface provides access to the underlying directory instance through the following methods:

  • <T> T read(Class<T> clazz, Name dn)

  • void create(Object entry)

  • void update(Object entry)

  • void delete(Object entry)

  • <T> List<T> findAll(Class<T> clazz, Name base, SearchControls searchControls)

  • <T> List<T> search(Class<T> clazz, Name base, String filter, SearchControls searchControls)

A reference to an implementation of this interface can be obtained through the org.springframework.ldap.odm.core.impl.OdmManagerImplFactoryBean. A basic configuration of this factory would be as follows:

Example 12.1. Configuring the OdmManager Factory

   <bean id="odmManager"
      <property name="converterManager" ref="converterManager" />
      <property name="contextSource" ref="contextSource" />
      <property name="managedClasses">

The factory requires the list of entity classes to be managed by the OdmManager to be explicitly declared. These classes should be properly annotated as defined in the next section. The converterManager referenced in the above definition is described in Section 12.4, “Type Conversion”.

12.3. Annotations

Entity classes managed by the OdmManager are required to be annotated with the annotations in the org.springframework.ldap.odm.annotations package. The available annotations are:

  • @Entry - Class level annotation indicating the objectClass definitions to which the entity maps. (required)

  • @Id - Indicates the entity DN; the field declaring this attribute must be a derivative of the javax.naming.Name class. (required)

  • @Attribute - Indicates the mapping of a directory attribute to the object class field.

  • @Transient - Indicates the field is not persistent and should be ignored by the OdmManager.

The @Entry and @Id attributes are required to be declared on managed classes. @Entry is used to specify which object classes the entity maps too. All object classes for which fields are mapped are required to be declared. Also, in order for a directory entry to be considered a match to the managed entity, all object classes declared by the directory entry must match be declared by in the @Entry annotation.

The @Id annotation is used to map the distinguished name of the entry to a field. The field must be an instance of javax.naming.Name or a subclass of it.

The @Attribute annotation is used to map object class fields to entity fields. @Attribute is required to declare the name of the object class property to which the field maps and may optionally declare the syntax OID of the LDAP attribute, to guarantee exact matching. @Attribute also provides the type declaration which allows you to indicate whether the attribute is regarded as binary based or string based by the LDAP JNDI provider.

The @Transient annotation is used to indicate the field should be ignored by the OdmManager and not mapped to an underlying LDAP property.

12.4. Type Conversion

The OdmManager relies on the org.springframework.ldap.odm.typeconversion package to convert LDAP attributes to Java fields. The main interface in this class is the org.springframework.ldap.odm.typeconversion.ConverterManager. The default ConverterManager implementation uses the following algorithm when parsing objects to convert fields:

  1. Try to find and use a Converter registered for the fromClass, syntax and toClass and use it.

  2. If this fails, then if the toClass isAssignableFrom the fromClass then just assign it.

  3. If this fails try to find and use a Converter registered for the fromClass and the toClass ignoring the syntax.

  4. If this fails then throw a ConverterException.

Implementations of the ConverterManager interface can be obtained from the o.s.l.odm.typeconversion.impl.ConvertManagerFactoryBean. The factory bean requires converter configurations to be declared in the bean configuration.

The converterConfig property accepts a set of ConverterConfig classes, each one defining some conversion logic. A converter config is an instance of o.s.l.odm.typeconversion.impl.ConverterManagerFactoryBean.ConverterConfig. The config defines a set of source classes, the set of target classes, and an implementation of the org.springframework.ldap.odm.typeconversion.impl.Converter interface which provides the logic to convert from the fromClass to the toClass. A sample configuration is provided in the following example:

Example 12.2. Configuring the Converter Manager Factory

<bean id="fromStringConverter"
   class="org.springframework.ldap.odm.typeconversion.impl.converters.FromStringConverter" />
<bean id="toStringConverter"
   class="org.springframework.ldap.odm.typeconversion.impl.converters.ToStringConverter" />
<bean id="converterManager"
   <property name="converterConfig">
      <bean class="org.springframework.ldap.odm.\
            <property name="fromClasses">
            <property name="toClasses">
            <property name="converter" ref="fromStringConverter" />
         <bean class="org.springframework.ldap.odm.\
            <property name="fromClasses">
            <property name="toClasses">
            <property name="converter" ref="toStringConverter" />

12.5. Execution

After all components are configured, directory interaction can be achieved through a reference to the OdmManager, as shown in this example:

Example 12.3. Execution

public class App {
   private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(App.class);
   private static final SearchControls searchControls = 
      new SearchControls(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE, 100, 10000, null, true, false);
   public static void main( String[] args ) {
      try {
         ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
         OdmManager manager = (OdmManager) context.getBean("odmManager");
	 List<SimplePerson> people =,
	    new DistinguishedName("dc=example,dc=com"), "uid=*", searchControls);"People found: " + people.size());
         for (SimplePerson person : people) {
   person );
      } catch (Exception e) {