Class AbstractOnTheFlyBundleCreatorTests

  extended by junit.framework.Assert
      extended by junit.framework.TestCase
          extended by org.springframework.test.ConditionalTestCase
              extended by org.springframework.test.AbstractSpringContextTests
                  extended by org.springframework.test.AbstractSingleSpringContextTests
                      extended by org.springframework.test.AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests
                          extended by org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractOptionalDependencyInjectionTests
                              extended by org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractOsgiTests
                                  extended by org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractConfigurableOsgiTests
                                      extended by org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractSynchronizedOsgiTests
                                          extended by org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractDependencyManagerTests
                                              extended by org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractOnTheFlyBundleCreatorTests
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractOnTheFlyBundleCreatorTests
extends AbstractDependencyManagerTests

Enhanced subclass of AbstractDependencyManagerTests that facilitates OSGi testing by creating at runtime, on the fly, a jar using the indicated manifest and resource patterns (by default all files found under the root path).

The test class can automatically determine the imports required by the test, create the OSGi bundle manifest and pack the test and its resources in a jar that can be installed inside an OSGi platform.

Note that in more complex scenarios, dedicated packaging tools (such as ant scripts or maven2) should be used.

Costin Leau

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractSynchronizedOsgiTests
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractConfigurableOsgiTests
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractOsgiTests
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractOptionalDependencyInjectionTests
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractSingleSpringContextTests
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.test.ConditionalTestCase
Constructor Summary
AbstractOnTheFlyBundleCreatorTests(String testName)
Method Summary
protected  Manifest createDefaultManifest()
          Creates the default manifest in case none if found on the disk.
protected  String[] getBundleContentPattern()
          Returns the patterns used for identifying the resources added to the jar.
protected  Manifest getManifest()
          Returns the current test bundle manifest.
protected  String getManifestLocation()
          Returns the location (in Spring resource style) of the manifest location to be used.
protected  String getRootPath()
          Returns the root path used for locating the resources that will be packed in the test bundle (the root path does not become part of the jar).
protected  void postProcessBundleContext(BundleContext context)
          Post-processes the bundle context.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractDependencyManagerTests
getLocator, getSpringDMVersion, getSpringVersion, getTestBundles, getTestBundlesNames, getTestFrameworkBundles, getTestFrameworkBundlesNames, getTestingFrameworkBundlesConfiguration, locateBundle, locateBundles, preProcessBundleContext
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractSynchronizedOsgiTests
getDefaultWaitTime, shouldWaitForSpringBundlesContextCreation, waitOnContextCreation, waitOnContextCreation, waitOnContextCreation
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractConfigurableOsgiTests
createPlatform, getBootDelegationPackages, getPlatformName
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractOsgiTests
run, runBare
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.osgi.test.AbstractOptionalDependencyInjectionTests
createApplicationContext, isContextKeyEmpty
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests
getAutowireMode, injectDependencies, isDependencyCheck, isPopulateProtectedVariables, prepareTestInstance, setAutowireMode, setDependencyCheck, setPopulateProtectedVariables
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractSingleSpringContextTests
contextKey, createBeanDefinitionReader, customizeBeanFactory, getApplicationContext, getConfigLocations, getConfigPath, getConfigPaths, getLoadCount, loadContext, loadContextLocations, onSetUp, onTearDown, setDirty, setUp, tearDown
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractSpringContextTests
addContext, contextKeyString, getContext, hasCachedContext, setDirty
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.test.ConditionalTestCase
getDisabledTestCount, isDisabledInThisEnvironment, recordDisabled
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.TestCase
countTestCases, createResult, getName, run, runTest, setName, toString
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.Assert
assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, fail, fail, failNotEquals, failNotSame, failSame
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractOnTheFlyBundleCreatorTests()


public AbstractOnTheFlyBundleCreatorTests(String testName)
Method Detail


protected String getRootPath()
Returns the root path used for locating the resources that will be packed in the test bundle (the root path does not become part of the jar).

By default, the Maven2 test layout is used: "file:./target/test-classes"

root path given as a String


protected String[] getBundleContentPattern()
Returns the patterns used for identifying the resources added to the jar. The patterns are added to the root path when performing the search. By default, the pattern is **/*.

In large test environments, performance can be improved by limiting the resource added to the bundle by selecting only certain packages or classes. This results in a small test bundle which is faster to create, deploy and install.

the patterns identifying the resources added to the jar


protected String getManifestLocation()
Returns the location (in Spring resource style) of the manifest location to be used. By default null is returned, indicating that the manifest should be picked up from the bundle content (if it's available) or be automatically created based on the test class imports.

the manifest location
See Also:
getManifest(), createDefaultManifest()


protected Manifest getManifest()
Returns the current test bundle manifest. The method tries to read the manifest from the given location; in case the location is null (default), it will search for META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file in jar content (as specified through the patterns) and, if it cannot find the file, automatically create a Manifest object containing default entries.

Subclasses can override this method to enhance the returned Manifest.

Manifest used for this test suite.
See Also:


protected Manifest createDefaultManifest()
Creates the default manifest in case none if found on the disk. By default, the imports are synthetised based on the test class bytecode.

default manifest for the jar created on the fly


protected void postProcessBundleContext(BundleContext context)
                                 throws Exception
Description copied from class: AbstractOsgiTests
Post-processes the bundle context. This call back gives access to the platform bundle context after the critical test infrastructure bundles have been installed and started. The method is invoked after preparing the OSGi environment for the test execution but before any test is executed. The given BundleContext belongs to the underlying OSGi framework.

Normally, this method is called only one during the lifecycle of a test suite.

postProcessBundleContext in class AbstractSynchronizedOsgiTests
context - the platform bundle context
See Also:

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