Uses of Class

Packages that use Cardinality
org.springframework.osgi.extensions.annotation Annotation Extensions: Allows declarative injection of OSGi services through annotation. Support package for OSGi service imports. 

Uses of Cardinality in org.springframework.osgi.extensions.annotation

Methods in org.springframework.osgi.extensions.annotation that return Cardinality
 Cardinality ServiceReferenceCardinality.toCardinality()

Uses of Cardinality in

Fields in declared as Cardinality
static Cardinality Cardinality.C_0__1
          Optional, single cardinality.
static Cardinality Cardinality.C_0__N
          Optional, multiple cardinality.
static Cardinality Cardinality.C_1__1
          Mandatory, single cardinality.
static Cardinality Cardinality.C_1__N
          Mandatory, multiple cardinality.

Methods in that return Cardinality
 Cardinality AbstractOsgiServiceImportFactoryBean.getCardinality()
          Returns the cardinality used by this importer.

Methods in with parameters of type Cardinality
 void OsgiServiceProxyFactoryBean.setCardinality(Cardinality cardinality)
          Sets the importer cardinality (0..1, 1..1, 0..N, or 1..N).

Since this implementation creates a managed proxy, only single cardinalities are accepted.

 void OsgiServiceCollectionProxyFactoryBean.setCardinality(Cardinality cardinality)
          Sets the importer cardinality (0..1, 1..1, 0..N, or 1..N).

Since this implementation creates a managed collection, only multiple cardinalities are accepted.

 void AbstractOsgiServiceImportFactoryBean.setCardinality(Cardinality cardinality)
          Sets the importer cardinality (0..1, 1..1, 0..N, or 1..N).

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