Class OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticasterAdapter

  extended by org.springframework.osgi.context.event.OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticasterAdapter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticasterAdapter
extends Object
implements OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticaster

Adapter class between Spring ApplicationEventMulticaster and Spring-DM OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticaster. Allows reusage (especially considering the contractual similarities between the two interfaces) of existing implementations for propagating Spring-DM events.

Costin Leau

Constructor Summary
OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticasterAdapter(ApplicationEventMulticaster delegatedMulticaster)
          Constructs a new OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticasterAdapter instance.
Method Summary
 void addApplicationListener(OsgiBundleApplicationContextListener osgiListener)
          Add an OSGi listener to be notified of all events. The given listener is wrapped with an adapter class that delegates the equals/hashcode methods to the wrapped listener instance.
 void multicastEvent(OsgiBundleApplicationContextEvent osgiEvent)
          Multicast the given application event to appropriate listeners.
 void removeAllListeners()
          Remove all listeners registered with this multicaster.
 void removeApplicationListener(OsgiBundleApplicationContextListener osgiListener)
          Remove an OSGi listener from the notification list. The given listener is wrapped with an adapter class that delegates the equals/hashcode methods to the wrapped listener instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticasterAdapter(ApplicationEventMulticaster delegatedMulticaster)
Constructs a new OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticasterAdapter instance.

delegatedMulticaster -
Method Detail


public void addApplicationListener(OsgiBundleApplicationContextListener osgiListener)
Add an OSGi listener to be notified of all events. The given listener is wrapped with an adapter class that delegates the equals/hashcode methods to the wrapped listener instance. However, depending on the equals implementation, this might affect the object identity.

Specified by:
addApplicationListener in interface OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticaster
osgiListener - the listener to add


public void multicastEvent(OsgiBundleApplicationContextEvent osgiEvent)
Description copied from interface: OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticaster
Multicast the given application event to appropriate listeners.

Specified by:
multicastEvent in interface OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticaster
osgiEvent - the event to multicast


public void removeAllListeners()
Description copied from interface: OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticaster
Remove all listeners registered with this multicaster. It will perform no action on event notification until more listeners are registered.

Specified by:
removeAllListeners in interface OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticaster


public void removeApplicationListener(OsgiBundleApplicationContextListener osgiListener)
Remove an OSGi listener from the notification list. The given listener is wrapped with an adapter class that delegates the equals/hashcode methods to the wrapped listener instance. However, depending on the equals implementation, this might affect the object identity.

Specified by:
removeApplicationListener in interface OsgiBundleApplicationContextEventMulticaster
osgiListener - the listener to remove

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