Interface ConfigurationScanner

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ConfigurationScanner

Convenience scanner locating suitable Spring configurations inside an OSGi bundle. This interface can be implemented to customize Spring-DM default definition of a 'Spring-powered' bundle by using different locations or supplying defaults for bundles that do not provide a proper configuration.

Additionally, non-XML configurations (for example annotation-based) can be plugged in. This would normally imply a custom application context creator as well.

Note:It is strongly recommended that the default locations (META-INF/spring/*.xml or Spring-Context manifest header) are supported (through chaining or by extending the default implementation) to avoid breaking bundles using them.

This interface is intended for usage with the default OsgiApplicationContextCreator implementation.

Costin Leau
See Also:
DefaultOsgiApplicationContextCreator, OsgiApplicationContextCreator

Method Summary
 String[] getConfigurations(Bundle bundle)
          Returns an array of existing Spring configuration locations (as Strings) for the given bundle.

Method Detail


String[] getConfigurations(Bundle bundle)
Returns an array of existing Spring configuration locations (as Strings) for the given bundle. If no resource was found, an empty/null array should be returned.

bundle - non-null bundle intended for scanning
Spring configuration locations

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