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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


nack() - Method in interface org.springframework.pulsar.listener.Acknowledgement
Negatively acknowledges the current message manually.
nack(MessageId) - Method in interface org.springframework.pulsar.listener.Acknowledgement
Negative acknowledges the current message based on the message id.
negativeAckRedeliveryBackoff - Variable in class org.springframework.pulsar.listener.AbstractPulsarMessageListenerContainer
negativeAckRedeliveryBackoff() - Element in annotation interface org.springframework.pulsar.annotation.PulsarListener
The bean name or a 'SpEL' expression that resolves to a RedeliveryBackoff to use on the consumer to control the redelivery backoff of messages after a negative ack.
newContext(String, String) - Static method in class org.springframework.pulsar.observation.PulsarMessageSenderContext
newMessage(T) - Method in interface org.springframework.pulsar.core.PulsarOperations
Create a builder for configuring and sending a message.
newMessage(T) - Method in class org.springframework.pulsar.core.PulsarTemplate
newMessage(T) - Method in interface org.springframework.pulsar.reactive.core.ReactivePulsarOperations
Create a builder for configuring and sending a message reactively.
newMessage(T) - Method in class org.springframework.pulsar.reactive.core.ReactivePulsarTemplate
noBeanFoundMessage(Object, String, String, Class<?>) - Method in class org.springframework.pulsar.annotation.PulsarListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
noBeanFoundMessage(Object, String, String, Class<?>) - Method in class org.springframework.pulsar.reactive.config.annotation.ReactivePulsarListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
numberOfPartitions() - Method in record class org.springframework.pulsar.core.PulsarTopic
Returns the value of the numberOfPartitions record component.
numberOfPartitions(int) - Method in class org.springframework.pulsar.core.PulsarTopicBuilder
Sets the number of topic partitions.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form