Interface ReactivePulsarSenderFactory<T>

Type Parameters:
T - reactive message sender payload type
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ReactivePulsarSenderFactory<T>
The strategy to create a ReactiveMessageSender instance(s).
Christophe Bornet, Chris Bono
  • Method Details

    • createSender

      org.apache.pulsar.reactive.client.api.ReactiveMessageSender<T> createSender(org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Schema<T> schema, @Nullable String topic)
      Create a reactive message sender.
      topic - the topic to send messages to or null to use the default topic
      schema - the schema of the messages to be sent
      the reactive message sender
    • createSender

      org.apache.pulsar.reactive.client.api.ReactiveMessageSender<T> createSender(org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Schema<T> schema, @Nullable String topic, @Nullable ReactiveMessageSenderBuilderCustomizer<T> customizer)
      Create a reactive message sender.
      schema - the schema of the messages to be sent
      topic - the topic to send messages to or null to use the default topic
      customizer - the optional customizer to apply to the reactive message sender builder
      the reactive message sender
    • createSender

      org.apache.pulsar.reactive.client.api.ReactiveMessageSender<T> createSender(org.apache.pulsar.client.api.Schema<T> schema, @Nullable String topic, @Nullable List<ReactiveMessageSenderBuilderCustomizer<T>> customizers)
      Create a reactive message sender.
      schema - the schema of the messages to be sent
      topic - the topic to send messages to or null to use the default topic
      customizers - the optional list of customizers to apply to the reactive message sender builder
      the reactive message sender
    • getDefaultTopic

      @Nullable String getDefaultTopic()
      Get the default topic to use for all created senders.
      the default topic to use for all created senders or null if no default set.