Interface ListenerContainerFactory<C extends MessageListenerContainer,E extends ListenerEndpoint<C>>

Type Parameters:
C - message listener container type.
E - listener endpoint type.
All Known Subinterfaces:
PulsarListenerContainerFactory, ReactivePulsarListenerContainerFactory<T>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPulsarListenerContainerFactory, ConcurrentPulsarListenerContainerFactory, DefaultReactivePulsarListenerContainerFactory

public interface ListenerContainerFactory<C extends MessageListenerContainer,E extends ListenerEndpoint<C>>
Factory for Pulsar message listener containers.
Soby Chacko, Christophe Bornet
  • Method Details

    • createListenerContainer

      C createListenerContainer(E endpoint)
      Create a MessageListenerContainer for the given ListenerEndpoint. Containers created using this method are added to the listener endpoint registry.
      endpoint - the endpoint to configure
      the created container
    • createContainer

      C createContainer(String... topics)
      Create and configure a container without a listener; used to create containers that are not used for PulsarListener annotations. Containers created using this method are not added to the listener endpoint registry.
      topics - the topics.
      the container.