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AbstractConfigurer - Class in org.springframework.restdocs.config
Abstract configurer that declares methods that are internal to the documentation configuration implementation.
AbstractConfigurer() - Constructor for class org.springframework.restdocs.config.AbstractConfigurer
AbstractDescriptor<T extends AbstractDescriptor<T>> - Class in org.springframework.restdocs.snippet
Base class for descriptors.
AbstractDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.AbstractDescriptor
AbstractFieldsSnippet - Class in org.springframework.restdocs.payload
Abstract TemplatedSnippet subclass that provides a base for snippets that document a RESTful resource's request or response fields.
AbstractFieldsSnippet(String, List<FieldDescriptor>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.springframework.restdocs.payload.AbstractFieldsSnippet
AbstractFieldsSnippet(String, List<FieldDescriptor>, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.springframework.restdocs.payload.AbstractFieldsSnippet
Creates a new AbstractFieldsSnippet that will produce a snippet named <type>-fields.
AbstractHeadersSnippet - Class in org.springframework.restdocs.headers
Abstract TemplatedSnippet subclass that provides a base for snippets that document a RESTful resource's request or response headers.
AbstractHeadersSnippet(String, List<HeaderDescriptor>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.springframework.restdocs.headers.AbstractHeadersSnippet
Creates a new AbstractHeadersSnippet that will produce a snippet named <type>-headers.
AbstractNestedConfigurer<PARENT> - Class in org.springframework.restdocs.config
Base class for NestedConfigurer implementations.
AbstractNestedConfigurer(PARENT) - Constructor for class org.springframework.restdocs.config.AbstractNestedConfigurer
Creates a new AbstractNestedConfigurer with the given parent.
AbstractParametersSnippet - Class in org.springframework.restdocs.request
Abstract TemplatedSnippet subclass that provides a base for snippets that document parameters from a request sent to a RESTful resource.
AbstractParametersSnippet(String, List<ParameterDescriptor>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.springframework.restdocs.request.AbstractParametersSnippet
AbstractParametersSnippet(String, List<ParameterDescriptor>, Map<String, Object>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.springframework.restdocs.request.AbstractParametersSnippet
Creates a new AbstractParametersSnippet that will produce a snippet with the given snippetName that will document parameters using the given descriptors.
add(String, String) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.operation.preprocess.ParametersModifyingOperationPreprocessor
Adds a parameter with the given name and value.
addSnippets(Snippet...) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.generate.RestDocumentationGenerator
afterConfigurerAdded(ConfigurableMockMvcBuilder<?>) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.mockmvc.MockMvcRestDocumentationConfigurer
afterConfigurerAdded(ConfigurableMockMvcBuilder<?>) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.mockmvc.MockMvcSnippetConfigurer
afterConfigurerAdded(ConfigurableMockMvcBuilder<?>) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.mockmvc.UriConfigurer
afterTest() - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.ManualRestDocumentation
Notification that a test has completed.
and() - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.config.AbstractNestedConfigurer
and(HeaderDescriptor...) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.headers.RequestHeadersSnippet
Returns a new RequestHeadersSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(List<HeaderDescriptor>) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.headers.RequestHeadersSnippet
Returns a new RequestHeadersSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(HeaderDescriptor...) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.headers.ResponseHeadersSnippet
Returns a new ResponseHeadersSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(List<HeaderDescriptor>) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.headers.ResponseHeadersSnippet
Returns a new ResponseHeadersSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(LinkDescriptor...) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.hypermedia.LinksSnippet
Returns a new LinksSnippet configured with this snippet's link extractor and attributes, and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(List<LinkDescriptor>) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.hypermedia.LinksSnippet
Returns a new LinksSnippet configured with this snippet's link extractor and attributes, and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(FieldDescriptor...) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.payload.RequestFieldsSnippet
Returns a new RequestFieldsSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(List<FieldDescriptor>) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.payload.RequestFieldsSnippet
Returns a new RequestFieldsSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(FieldDescriptor...) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.payload.ResponseFieldsSnippet
Returns a new ResponseFieldsSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(List<FieldDescriptor>) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.payload.ResponseFieldsSnippet
Returns a new ResponseFieldsSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(ParameterDescriptor...) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.request.PathParametersSnippet
Returns a new PathParametersSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(List<ParameterDescriptor>) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.request.PathParametersSnippet
Returns a new PathParametersSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(ParameterDescriptor...) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.request.RequestParametersSnippet
Returns a new RequestParametersSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(List<ParameterDescriptor>) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.request.RequestParametersSnippet
Returns a new RequestParametersSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(RequestPartDescriptor...) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.request.RequestPartsSnippet
Returns a new RequestPartsSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
and(List<RequestPartDescriptor>) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.request.RequestPartsSnippet
Returns a new RequestPartsSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
andWithPrefix(String, FieldDescriptor...) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.payload.RequestFieldsSnippet
Returns a new RequestFieldsSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
andWithPrefix(String, List<FieldDescriptor>) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.payload.RequestFieldsSnippet
Returns a new RequestFieldsSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
andWithPrefix(String, FieldDescriptor...) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.payload.ResponseFieldsSnippet
Returns a new ResponseFieldsSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
andWithPrefix(String, List<FieldDescriptor>) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.payload.ResponseFieldsSnippet
Returns a new ResponseFieldsSnippet configured with this snippet's attributes and its descriptors combined with the given additionalDescriptors.
apply(Map<String, Object>, RestDocumentationContext) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.config.AbstractConfigurer
Applies the configurer to the given configuration.
apply(Map<String, Object>, RestDocumentationContext) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.config.RestDocumentationConfigurer
Applies this configurer to the given configuration within the given context.
apply(Map<String, Object>, RestDocumentationContext) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.config.SnippetConfigurer
apply(Statement, Description) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.JUnitRestDocumentation
apply(Map<String, Object>, RestDocumentationContext) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.mockmvc.UriConfigurer
apply(Statement, Description) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.RestDocumentation
applyPathPrefix(String, List<FieldDescriptor>) - Static method in class org.springframework.restdocs.payload.PayloadDocumentation
Creates a copy of the given descriptors with the given pathPrefix applied to their paths.
asciidoctor() - Static method in class org.springframework.restdocs.templates.TemplateFormats
Returns the Asciidoctor template format with the ID asciidoctor and the file extension adoc.
AsciidoctorTableCellContentLambda - Class in org.springframework.restdocs.templates.mustache
A Mustache.Lambda that escapes | characters so that the do not break the table's formatting.
AsciidoctorTableCellContentLambda() - Constructor for class org.springframework.restdocs.templates.mustache.AsciidoctorTableCellContentLambda
atomLinks() - Static method in class org.springframework.restdocs.hypermedia.HypermediaDocumentation
Returns a LinkExtractor capable of extracting links in Atom format where the links are found in an array named links.
Attribute(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.Attributes.Attribute
Creates a new attribute with the given key and value.
ATTRIBUTE_NAME_DEFAULT_SNIPPETS - Static variable in class org.springframework.restdocs.generate.RestDocumentationGenerator
Name of the operation attribute used to hold the List of default snippets.
ATTRIBUTE_NAME_URL_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class org.springframework.restdocs.generate.RestDocumentationGenerator
Name of the operation attribute used to hold the request's URL template.
attributes(Attributes.Attribute...) - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.AbstractDescriptor
Adds the given attributes to the descriptor.
Attributes - Class in org.springframework.restdocs.snippet
A fluent API for building a map of attributes.
attributes(Attributes.Attribute...) - Static method in class org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.Attributes
Creates a Map of the given attributes.
Attributes.Attribute - Class in org.springframework.restdocs.snippet
An attribute (key-value pair).
Attributes.AttributeBuilder - Class in org.springframework.restdocs.snippet
A simple builder for an attribute (key-value pair).
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Spring REST Docs 1.1.3.RELEASE