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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


IgnorableDescriptor<T extends IgnorableDescriptor<T>> - Class in org.springframework.restdocs.snippet
Base class for descriptors for items that can be ignored.
IgnorableDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.IgnorableDescriptor
ignored() - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.IgnorableDescriptor
Marks the described item as being ignored.
isIgnored() - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.snippet.IgnorableDescriptor
Returns whether or not the item being described should be ignored and, therefore, should not be included in the documentation.
isIgnoredUndocumentedFields() - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.payload.AbstractFieldsSnippet
Returns whether or not this snippet ignores undocumented fields.
isIgnoreUndocumentedParameters() - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.request.AbstractParametersSnippet
Returns whether to ignore undocumented parameters.
isOptional() - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.headers.HeaderDescriptor
Returns true if the described header is optional, otherwise false.
isOptional() - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.hypermedia.LinkDescriptor
Returns true if the described link is optional, otherwise false.
isOptional() - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.payload.FieldDescriptor
Returns true if the described field is optional, otherwise false.
isOptional() - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.request.ParameterDescriptor
Returns true if the described parameter is optional, otherwise false.
isOptional() - Method in class org.springframework.restdocs.request.RequestPartDescriptor
Returns true if the described request part is optional, otherwise false.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form