All Classes and Interfaces

A RetryPolicy that always permits a retry.
Interceptor that parses the retry metadata on the method it is invoking and delegates to an appropriate RetryOperationsInterceptor.
MethodResolver implementation that finds a single Method on the given Class that contains the specified annotation type.
A root object containing the method arguments to use in expression evaluation.
Collects metadata for a BackOffPolicy.
Exception class signifiying that an attempt to back off using a BackOffPolicy was interrupted, most likely by an InterruptedException during a call to Thread.sleep(long).
Strategy interface to control back off between attempts in a single retry operation.
Fluent API for creating a BackOffPolicy based on given attributes.
A special purpose Classifier with easy configuration options for mapping from one arbitrary type of object to another via a pattern matcher.
A Classifier for exceptions that has only two classes (true and false).
Fluent API for BinaryExceptionClassifier configuration.
A policy, that is based on BinaryExceptionClassifier.
Annotation for a method invocation that is retryable.
Mark a method as capable of classifying its input to an instance of its output.
Interface for a classifier.
Wrapper for an object to adapt it to the Classifier interface.
Base class for Classifier implementations.
A RetryPolicy that composes a list of other policies and delegates calls to them in order.
Global enabler for @Retryable annotations in Spring beans.
A RetryPolicy that dynamically adapts to one of a set of injected policies according to the value of the latest exception.
Implementation of BackOffPolicy that increases the back off period for each retry attempt in a given set up to a limit.
Implementation of ExponentialBackOffPolicy that chooses a random multiple of the interval that would come from a simple deterministic exponential.
Subclass of SimpleRetryPolicy that delegates to super.canRetry() and, if true, further evaluates an expression against the last thrown exception.
Implementation of BackOffPolicy that pauses for a fixed period of time before continuing.
Map-based implementation of RetryContextCache.
Simple retry policy that is aware only about attempt count and retries a fixed number of times.
Interface that allows method parameters to be identified and tagged by a unique key.
Strategy interface for recovery action when processing of an item fails.
Callback class for a Spring AOP reflective `MethodInvocation` that can be retried using a RetryOperations.
Empty method implementation of RetryListener with focus on the AOP reflective method invocations providing convenience retry listener type-safe (with a `MethodInvocationRetryCallback` callback parameter) specific methods.
A strategy interface for invoking a method.
Utility methods to create MethodInvoker instances.
Strategy interface for detecting a single Method on a Class.
The RetryListener implementation for Micrometer Timers around retry operations.
A RetryPolicy that allows the first attempt but never permits a retry.
Strategy interface to distinguish new arguments from ones that have been processed before, e.g. by examining a message flag.
Implementation of BackOffPolicy that performs a no-op and as such all retry operation in a given set proceed one after the other with no pause.
in favor of ThreadWaitSleeper
A Classifier that maps from String patterns with wildcards to a set of values of a given type.
A policy, that is based on Predicate<Throwable>.
Annotation for a method invocation that is a recovery handler.
A recoverer for method invocations based on the @Recover annotation.
Callback for stateful retry after all tries are exhausted.
Annotation for a method invocation that is retryable.
Marker interface for proxies that are providing retryable behaviour.
Exception that indicates that a cache limit was exceeded.
Callback interface for an operation that can be retried using a RetryOperations.
Basic configuration for @Retryable processing.
Low-level access to ongoing retry operation.
Simple map-like abstraction for stateful retry policies to use when storing and retrieving RetryContext instances.
RetryInterceptorBuilder<T extends org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor>
Simplified facade to make it easier and simpler to build a StatefulRetryOperationsInterceptor or (stateless) RetryOperationsInterceptor by providing a fluent interface to defining the behavior on error.
Interface for listener that can be used to add behaviour to a retry.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
in favor of the default implementations in RetryListener
Defines the basic set of operations implemented by RetryOperations to execute operations with configurable retry behaviour.
A MethodInterceptor that can be used to automatically retry calls to a method on a service if it fails.
A RetryPolicy is responsible for allocating and managing resources needed by RetryOperations.
The results of a simulation.
A RetrySimulator is a tool for exercising retry + backoff operations.
Stateful retry is characterised by having to recognise the items that are being processed, so this interface is used primarily to provide a cache key in between failed attempts.
Interface for statistics reporting of retry attempts.
Global variable support for retry clients.
Template class that simplifies the execution of operations with retry semantics.
Builder that provides a fluent API to configure new instances of RetryTemplate.
Simple implementation of the MethodInvoker interface that invokes a method on an object.
Simple retry policy that retries a fixed number of times for a set of named exceptions (and subclasses).
Strategy interface for backoff policies to delegate the pausing of execution.
A interface which can be mixed in by BackOffPolicys indicating that they sleep when backing off.
Map-based implementation of RetryContextCache.
A MethodInterceptor that can be used to automatically retry calls to a method on a service if it fails.
Simple base class for BackOffPolicy implementations that maintain no state across invocations.
A Classifier for a parameterised object type based on a map.
Simple Sleeper implementation that just blocks the current Thread with sleep period.
A RetryPolicy that allows a retry only if it hasn't timed out.
Implementation of BackOffPolicy that pauses for a random period of time before continuing.