Interface SleepingBackOffPolicy<T extends SleepingBackOffPolicy<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the policy itself
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ExponentialBackOffPolicy, ExponentialRandomBackOffPolicy, FixedBackOffPolicy, UniformRandomBackOffPolicy

public interface SleepingBackOffPolicy<T extends SleepingBackOffPolicy<T>> extends BackOffPolicy
A interface which can be mixed in by BackOffPolicys indicating that they sleep when backing off.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Clone the policy and return a new policy which uses the passed sleeper.

    Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.retry.backoff.BackOffPolicy

    backOff, start
  • Method Details

    • withSleeper

      T withSleeper(Sleeper sleeper)
      Clone the policy and return a new policy which uses the passed sleeper.
      sleeper - Target to be invoked any time the backoff policy sleeps
      a clone of this policy which will have all of its backoff sleeps routed into the passed sleeper