For the latest stable version, please use Spring Security 6.4.4! |
WebSocket Security
Spring Security 4 added support for securing Spring’s WebSocket support. This section describes how to use Spring Security’s WebSocket support.
WebSocket Authentication
WebSockets reuse the same authentication information that is found in the HTTP request when the WebSocket connection was made.
This means that the Principal
on the HttpServletRequest
will be handed off to WebSockets.
If you are using Spring Security, the Principal
on the HttpServletRequest
is overridden automatically.
More concretely, to ensure a user has authenticated to your WebSocket application, all that is necessary is to ensure that you setup Spring Security to authenticate your HTTP based web application.
WebSocket Authorization
Spring Security 4.0 has introduced authorization support for WebSockets through the Spring Messaging abstraction.
In Spring Security 5.8, this support has been refreshed to use the AuthorizationManager
To configure authorization using Java Configuration, simply include the @EnableWebSocketSecurity
annotation and publish an AuthorizationManager<Message<?>>
bean or in XML use the use-authorization-manager
One way to do this is by using the AuthorizationManagerMessageMatcherRegistry
to specify endpoint patterns like so:
@EnableWebSocketSecurity (1) (2)
public class WebSocketSecurityConfig {
AuthorizationManager<Message<?>> messageAuthorizationManager(MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder messages) {
.simpDestMatchers("/user/**").hasRole("USER") (3)
@EnableWebSocketSecurity (1) (2)
open class WebSocketSecurityConfig { (1) (2)
fun messageAuthorizationManager(messages: MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder): AuthorizationManager<Message<*>> {
messages.simpDestMatchers("/user/**").hasRole("USER") (3)
<websocket-message-broker use-authorization-manager="true"> (1) (2)
<intercept-message pattern="/user/**" access="hasRole('USER')"/> (3)
1 | Any inbound CONNECT message requires a valid CSRF token to enforce the Same Origin Policy. |
2 | The SecurityContextHolder is populated with the user within the simpUser header attribute for any inbound request. |
3 | Our messages require the proper authorization. Specifically, any inbound message that starts with /user/ will require ROLE_USER . You can find additional details on authorization in WebSocket Authorization |
Custom Authorization
When using AuthorizationManager
, customization is quite simple.
For example, you can publish an AuthorizationManager
that requires that all messages have a role of "USER" using AuthorityAuthorizationManager
, as seen below:
@EnableWebSocketSecurity (1) (2)
public class WebSocketSecurityConfig {
AuthorizationManager<Message<?>> messageAuthorizationManager(MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder messages) {
return AuthorityAuthorizationManager.hasRole("USER");
@EnableWebSocketSecurity (1) (2)
open class WebSocketSecurityConfig {
fun messageAuthorizationManager(messages: MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder): AuthorizationManager<Message<*>> {
return AuthorityAuthorizationManager.hasRole("USER") (3)
<bean id="authorizationManager" class="org.example.MyAuthorizationManager"/>
<websocket-message-broker authorization-manager-ref="myAuthorizationManager"/>
There are several ways to further match messages, as can be seen in a more advanced example below:
public class WebSocketSecurityConfig {
public AuthorizationManager<Message<?>> messageAuthorizationManager(MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder messages) {
.nullDestMatcher().authenticated() (1)
.simpSubscribeDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll() (2)
.simpDestMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("USER") (3)
.simpSubscribeDestMatchers("/user/**", "/topic/friends/*").hasRole("USER") (4)
.simpTypeMatchers(MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE).denyAll() (5)
.anyMessage().denyAll(); (6)
open class WebSocketSecurityConfig {
fun messageAuthorizationManager(messages: MessageMatcherDelegatingAuthorizationManager.Builder): AuthorizationManager<Message<*>> {
.nullDestMatcher().authenticated() (1)
.simpSubscribeDestMatchers("/user/queue/errors").permitAll() (2)
.simpDestMatchers("/app/**").hasRole("USER") (3)
.simpSubscribeDestMatchers("/user/**", "/topic/friends/*").hasRole("USER") (4)
.simpTypeMatchers(MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE).denyAll() (5)
.anyMessage().denyAll() (6)
<websocket-message-broker use-authorization-manager="true">
<intercept-message type="CONNECT" access="permitAll" />
<intercept-message type="UNSUBSCRIBE" access="permitAll" />
<intercept-message type="DISCONNECT" access="permitAll" />
<intercept-message pattern="/user/queue/errors" type="SUBSCRIBE" access="permitAll" /> (2)
<intercept-message pattern="/app/**" access="hasRole('USER')" /> (3)
<intercept-message pattern="/user/**" type="SUBSCRIBE" access="hasRole('USER')" />
<intercept-message pattern="/topic/friends/*" type="SUBSCRIBE" access="hasRole('USER')" />
<intercept-message type="MESSAGE" access="denyAll" />
<intercept-message type="SUBSCRIBE" access="denyAll" />
<intercept-message pattern="/**" access="denyAll" /> (6)
This will ensure that:
1 | Any message without a destination (i.e. anything other than Message type of MESSAGE or SUBSCRIBE) will require the user to be authenticated |
2 | Anyone can subscribe to /user/queue/errors |
3 | Any message that has a destination starting with "/app/" will be require the user to have the role ROLE_USER |
4 | Any message that starts with "/user/" or "/topic/friends/" that is of type SUBSCRIBE will require ROLE_USER |
5 | Any other message of type MESSAGE or SUBSCRIBE is rejected. Due to 6 we do not need this step, but it illustrates how one can match on specific message types. |
6 | Any other Message is rejected. This is a good idea to ensure that you do not miss any messages. |
WebSocket Authorization Notes
To properly secure your application, you need to understand Spring’s WebSocket support.
WebSocket Authorization on Message Types
You need to understand the distinction between SUBSCRIBE
types of messages and how they work within Spring.
Consider a chat application:
The system can send a notification
to all users through a destination of/topic/system/notifications
. -
Clients can receive notifications by
to the/topic/system/notifications
While we want clients to be able to SUBSCRIBE
to /topic/system/notifications
, we do not want to enable them to send a MESSAGE
to that destination.
If we allowed sending a MESSAGE
to /topic/system/notifications
, clients could send a message directly to that endpoint and impersonate the system.
In general, it is common for applications to deny any MESSAGE
sent to a destination that starts with the broker prefix (/topic/
or /queue/
WebSocket Authorization on Destinations
You should also understand how destinations are transformed.
Consider a chat application:
Users can send messages to a specific user by sending a message to the
destination. -
The application sees the message, ensures that the
attribute is specified as the current user (we cannot trust the client). -
The application then sends the message to the recipient by using
SimpMessageSendingOperations.convertAndSendToUser("toUser", "/queue/messages", message)
. -
The message gets turned into the destination of
With this chat application, we want to let our client to listen /user/queue
, which is transformed into /queue/user/messages-<sessionid>
However, we do not want the client to be able to listen to /queue/*
, because that would let the client see messages for every user.
In general, it is common for applications to deny any SUBSCRIBE
sent to a message that starts with the broker prefix (/topic/
or /queue/
We may provide exceptions to account for things like
Outbound Messages
The Spring Framework reference documentation contains a section titled “Flow of Messages” that describes how messages flow through the system.
Note that Spring Security secures only the clientInboundChannel
Spring Security does not attempt to secure the clientOutboundChannel
The most important reason for this is performance. For every message that goes in, typically many more go out. Instead of securing the outbound messages, we encourage securing the subscription to the endpoints.
Enforcing Same Origin Policy
Note that the browser does not enforce the Same Origin Policy for WebSocket connections. This is an extremely important consideration.
Why Same Origin?
Consider the following scenario.
A user visits
and authenticates to their account.
The same user opens another tab in their browser and visits
The Same Origin Policy ensures that
cannot read data from or write data to
With WebSockets, the Same Origin Policy does not apply.
In fact, unless
explicitly forbids it,
can read and write data on behalf of the user.
This means that anything the user can do over the webSocket (such as transferring money),
can do on that user’s behalf.
Since SockJS tries to emulate WebSockets, it also bypasses the Same Origin Policy. This means that developers need to explicitly protect their applications from external domains when they use SockJS.
Spring WebSocket Allowed Origin
Fortunately, since Spring 4.1.5 Spring’s WebSocket and SockJS support restricts access to the current domain. Spring Security adds an additional layer of protection to provide defense in depth.
Adding CSRF to Stomp Headers
By default, Spring Security requires the CSRF token in any CONNECT
message type.
This ensures that only a site that has access to the CSRF token can connect.
Since only the same origin can access the CSRF token, external domains are not allowed to make a connection.
Typically we need to include the CSRF token in an HTTP header or an HTTP parameter. However, SockJS does not allow for these options. Instead, we must include the token in the Stomp headers.
Applications can obtain a CSRF token by accessing the request attribute named _csrf
For example, the following allows accessing the CsrfToken
in a JSP:
var headerName = "${_csrf.headerName}";
var token = "${_csrf.token}";
If you use static HTML, you can expose the CsrfToken
on a REST endpoint.
For example, the following would expose the CsrfToken
on the /csrf
public class CsrfController {
public CsrfToken csrf(CsrfToken token) {
return token;
class CsrfController {
fun csrf(token: CsrfToken): CsrfToken {
return token
The JavaScript can make a REST call to the endpoint and use the response to populate the headerName
and the token.
We can now include the token in our Stomp client:
var headers = {};
headers[headerName] = token;
stompClient.connect(headers, function(frame) {
Disable CSRF within WebSockets
At this point, CSRF is not configurable when using @EnableWebSocketSecurity , though this will likely be added in a future release.
To disable CSRF, instead of using @EnableWebSocketSecurity
, you can use XML support or add the Spring Security components yourself, like so:
public class WebSocketSecurityConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void addArgumentResolvers(List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) {
argumentResolvers.add(new AuthenticationPrincipalArgumentResolver());
public void configureClientInboundChannel(ChannelRegistration registration) {
AuthorizationManager<Message<?>> myAuthorizationRules = AuthenticatedAuthorizationManager.authenticated();
AuthorizationChannelInterceptor authz = new AuthorizationChannelInterceptor(myAuthorizationRules);
AuthorizationEventPublisher publisher = new SpringAuthorizationEventPublisher(this.context);
registration.interceptors(new SecurityContextChannelInterceptor(), authz);
open class WebSocketSecurityConfig : WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
override fun addArgumentResolvers(argumentResolvers: List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver>) {
override fun configureClientInboundChannel(registration: ChannelRegistration) {
var myAuthorizationRules: AuthorizationManager<Message<*>> = AuthenticatedAuthorizationManager.authenticated()
var authz: AuthorizationChannelInterceptor = AuthorizationChannelInterceptor(myAuthorizationRules)
var publisher: AuthorizationEventPublisher = SpringAuthorizationEventPublisher(this.context)
registration.interceptors(SecurityContextChannelInterceptor(), authz)
<websocket-message-broker use-authorization-manager="true" same-origin-disabled="true">
<intercept-message pattern="/**" access="authenticated"/>
On the other hand, if you are using the legacy AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer
and you want to allow other domains to access your site, you can disable Spring Security’s protection.
For example, in Java Configuration you can use the following:
public class WebSocketSecurityConfig extends AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
protected boolean sameOriginDisabled() {
return true;
open class WebSocketSecurityConfig : AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer() {
// ...
override fun sameOriginDisabled(): Boolean {
return true
Custom Expression Handler
At times, there may be value in customizing how the access
expressions are handled defined in your intercept-message
XML elements.
To do this, you can create a class of type SecurityExpressionHandler<MessageAuthorizationContext<?>>
and refer to it in your XML definition like so:
<websocket-message-broker use-authorization-manager="true">
<expression-handler ref="myRef"/>
<b:bean ref="myRef" class=""/>
If you are migrating from a legacy usage of websocket-message-broker
that implements a SecurityExpressionHandler<Message<?>>
, you can:
1. Additionally implement the createEvaluationContext(Supplier, Message)
method and then
2. Wrap that value in a MessageAuthorizationContextSecurityExpressionHandler
like so:
<websocket-message-broker use-authorization-manager="true">
<expression-handler ref="myRef"/>
<b:bean ref="myRef" class="">
<b:bean class="org.example.MyLegacyExpressionHandler"/>
Working with SockJS
SockJS provides fallback transports to support older browsers. When using the fallback options, we need to relax a few security constraints to allow SockJS to work with Spring Security.
SockJS & frame-options
SockJS may use a transport that leverages an iframe. By default, Spring Security denies the site from being framed to prevent clickjacking attacks. To allow SockJS frame-based transports to work, we need to configure Spring Security to let the same origin frame the content.
You can customize X-Frame-Options
with the frame-options element.
For example, the following instructs Spring Security to use X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
, which allows iframes within the same domain:
<!-- ... -->
policy="SAMEORIGIN" />
Similarly, you can customize frame options to use the same origin within Java Configuration by using the following:
public class WebSecurityConfig {
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// ...
.headers(headers -> headers
.frameOptions(frameOptions -> frameOptions
open class WebSecurityConfig {
open fun filterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
http {
// ...
headers {
frameOptions {
sameOrigin = true
SockJS & Relaxing CSRF
SockJS uses a POST on the CONNECT messages for any HTTP-based transport. Typically, we need to include the CSRF token in an HTTP header or an HTTP parameter. However, SockJS does not allow for these options. Instead, we must include the token in the Stomp headers as described in Adding CSRF to Stomp Headers.
It also means that we need to relax our CSRF protection with the web layer. Specifically, we want to disable CSRF protection for our connect URLs. We do NOT want to disable CSRF protection for every URL. Otherwise, our site is vulnerable to CSRF attacks.
We can easily achieve this by providing a CSRF RequestMatcher
Our Java configuration makes this easy.
For example, if our stomp endpoint is /chat
, we can disable CSRF protection only for URLs that start with /chat/
by using the following configuration:
public class WebSecurityConfig {
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.csrf(csrf -> csrf
// ignore our stomp endpoints since they are protected using Stomp headers
.headers(headers -> headers
// allow same origin to frame our site to support iframe SockJS
.frameOptions(frameOptions -> frameOptions
.authorizeHttpRequests(authorize -> authorize
open class WebSecurityConfig {
open fun filterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
http {
csrf {
headers {
frameOptions {
sameOrigin = true
authorizeRequests {
// ...
// ...
If we use XML-based configuration, we can use thecsrf@request-matcher-ref.
<http ...>
<csrf request-matcher-ref="csrfMatcher"/>
<frame-options policy="SAMEORIGIN"/>
<b:bean id="csrfMatcher"
<b:constructor-arg value="#{T(}"/>
<b:bean class="">
<b:bean class="">
<b:constructor-arg value="/chat/**"/>
Legacy WebSocket Configuration
Before Spring Security 5.8, the way to configure messaging authorization using Java Configuration, was to extend the AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer
and configure the MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry
For example:
public class WebSocketSecurityConfig
extends AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer { (1) (2)
protected void configureInbound(MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry messages) {
.simpDestMatchers("/user/**").authenticated() (3)
open class WebSocketSecurityConfig : AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer() { (1) (2)
override fun configureInbound(messages: MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry) {
messages.simpDestMatchers("/user/**").authenticated() (3)
This will ensure that:
1 | Any inbound CONNECT message requires a valid CSRF token to enforce Same Origin Policy |
2 | The SecurityContextHolder is populated with the user within the simpUser header attribute for any inbound request. |
3 | Our messages require the proper authorization. Specifically, any inbound message that starts with "/user/" will require ROLE_USER. Additional details on authorization can be found in WebSocket Authorization |
Using the legacy configuration is helpful in the event that you have a custom SecurityExpressionHandler
that extends AbstractSecurityExpressionHandler
and overrides createEvaluationContextInternal
or createSecurityExpressionRoot
In order to defer Authorization
lookup, the new AuthorizationManager
API does not invoke these when evaluating expressions.
If you are using XML, you can use the legacy APIs simply by not using the use-authorization-manager
element or setting it to false