This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Security 6.4.4!


UserDetails is returned by the UserDetailsService. The DaoAuthenticationProvider validates the UserDetails and then returns an Authentication that has a principal that is the UserDetails returned by the configured UserDetailsService.

Credentials Management

Implementing the CredentialsContainer interface in classes that store user credentials, such as those extending or implementing UserDetails, is strongly recommended, especially in applications where user details are not cached. This practice enhances security by ensuring that sensitive data, such as passwords, are not retained in memory longer than necessary.

In cases where user details are cached, consider creating a copy of the UserDetails that does not include credentials and returning the copy in the response from a custom AuthenticationProvider instead of the original object. This can help prevent the cached instance containing credentials from being referenced by the rest of the application once the authentication process is complete.

When to Implement CredentialsContainer

Applications that do not employ caching mechanisms for UserDetails should particularly consider implementing CredentialsContainer. This approach helps in mitigating the risk associated with retaining sensitive information in memory, which can be vulnerable to attack vectors such as memory dumps.

public class MyUserDetails implements UserDetails, CredentialsContainer {

    private String username;

    private String password;

    // UserDetails implementation...

    public void eraseCredentials() {
        this.password = null; // Securely dereference the password field


Implementation Guidelines

  • Immediate Erasure: Credentials should be erased immediately after they are no longer needed, typically post-authentication.

  • Automatic Invocation: Ensure that eraseCredentials() is automatically called by your authentication framework, such as AuthenticationManager, once the authentication process is complete.

  • Consistency: Apply this practice uniformly across all applications to prevent security lapses that could lead to data breaches.

Beyond Basic Interface Implementation

While interfaces like CredentialsContainer provide a framework for credential management, the practical implementation often depends on specific classes and their interactions.

For example, the DaoAuthenticationProvider class, adhering to the contract of AuthenticationProvider, does not perform credential erasure within its own authenticate method. Instead, it relies on ProviderManager—Spring Security’s default implementation of AuthenticationManager—to handle the erasure of credentials and other sensitive data post-authentication. This separation emphasizes the principle that the AuthenticationProvider should not assume the responsibility for credentials management.

Incorporating CredentialsContainer into your UserDetails implementation aligns with security best practices, reducing potential exposure to data breaches by minimizing the lifespan of sensitive data in memory.