This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Security 6.4.3!

Web Migrations

Favor Relative URIs

When redirecting to a login endpoint, Spring Security has favored absolute URIs in the past. For example, if you set your login page like so:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

  • Xml

    // ...
    .formLogin((form) -> form.loginPage("/my-login"))
    // ...
http {
    formLogin {
        loginPage = "/my-login"
<http ...>
    <form-login login-page="/my-login"/>

then when redirecting to /my-login Spring Security would use a Location: like the following:

302 Found
// ...

However, this is no longer necessary given that the RFC is was based on is now obsolete.

In Spring Security 7, this is changed to use a relative URI like so:

302 Found
// ...
Location: /my-login

Most applications will not notice a difference. However, in the event that this change causes problems, you can switch back to the Spring Security 6 behavior by setting the favorRelativeUrls value:

  • Java

  • Kotlin

  • Xml

LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint entryPoint = new LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint("/my-login");
    // ...
    .exceptionHandling((exceptions) -> exceptions.authenticaitonEntryPoint(entryPoint))
    // ...
LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint entryPoint = LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint("/my-login")

http {
    exceptionHandling {
        authenticationEntryPoint = entryPoint
<http entry-point-ref="myEntryPoint">
    <!-- ... -->

<b:bean id="myEntryPoint" class="">
    <b:property name="favorRelativeUris" value="true"/>