Spring Security Framework

Package org.springframework.security.intercept.method

Provides support objects for securing Java method invocations via different AOP libraries.


Interface Summary
MethodDefinitionSource Interface for ObjectDefinitionSource implementations that are designed to perform lookups keyed on Methods.

Class Summary
AbstractFallbackMethodDefinitionSource Abstract implementation of MethodDefinitionSource that supports both Spring AOP and AspectJ and caches configuration attribute resolution from: 1.
AbstractMethodDefinitionSource Abstract implementation of MethodDefinitionSource.
DelegatingMethodDefinitionSource Automatically tries a series of method definition sources, relying on the first source of metadata that provides a non-null response.
MapBasedMethodDefinitionSource Stores a ConfigAttributeDefinition for a method or class signature.
MethodDefinitionAttributes Provides ConfigAttributeDefinitions for a method signature (via the lookupAttributes method) by delegating to a configured Attributes object.
MethodDefinitionSourceEditor Property editor to assist with the setup of a MethodDefinitionSource.
MethodInvocationPrivilegeEvaluator Allows users to determine whether they have "before invocation" privileges for a given method invocation.
ProtectPointcutPostProcessor Parses AspectJ pointcut expressions, registering methods that match the pointcut with a traditional MapBasedMethodDefinitionSource.

Package org.springframework.security.intercept.method Description

Provides support objects for securing Java method invocations via different AOP libraries.

Spring Security Framework

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