Spring Security Framework

Package org.springframework.security

Provides core Spring Security interfaces and classes.


Interface Summary
AccessDecisionManager Makes a final access control (authorization) decision.
AfterInvocationManager Reviews the Object returned from a secure object invocation, being able to modify the Object or throw an AccessDeniedException.
Authentication Represents an authentication request.
AuthenticationManager Processes an Authentication request.
AuthenticationTrustResolver Evaluates Authentication tokens
ConfigAttribute Stores a security system related configuration attribute.
GrantedAuthoritiesContainer Indicates that a object stores GrantedAuthority objects.
GrantedAuthority Represents an authority granted to an Authentication object.
MutableGrantedAuthoritiesContainer Indicates that a object can be used to store and retrieve GrantedAuthority objects.
RunAsManager Creates a new temporary Authentication object for the current secure object invocation only.

Class Summary
AbstractAuthenticationManager An abstract implementation of the AuthenticationManager.
AuthenticationTrustResolverImpl Basic implementation of AuthenticationTrustResolver.
ConfigAttributeDefinition Holds a group of ConfigAttributes that are associated with a given secure object target - effectively a Collection.
ConfigAttributeEditor A property editor that can create a populated ConfigAttributeDefinition from a comma separated list of values.
GrantedAuthorityImpl Basic concrete implementation of a GrantedAuthority.
MockAuthenticationManager Simply accepts as valid whatever is passed to it, if grantAccess is set to true.
SecurityConfig Stores a ConfigAttribute as a String.
SpringSecurityMessageSource The default MessageSource used by Spring Security.

Exception Summary
AccessDeniedException Thrown if an Authentication object does not hold a required authority.
AccountExpiredException Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the account has expired.
AccountStatusException Base class for authentication exceptions which are caused by a particular user account status (locked, disabled etc).
AuthenticationCredentialsNotFoundException Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because there is no Authentication object in the SecurityContext.
AuthenticationException Abstract superclass for all exceptions related an Authentication object being invalid for whatever reason.
AuthenticationServiceException Thrown if an authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem.
AuthorizationServiceException Thrown if an authorization request could not be processed due to a system problem.
BadCredentialsException Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the credentials are invalid.
CredentialsExpiredException Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the account's credentials have expired.
DisabledException Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the account is disabled.
InsufficientAuthenticationException Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the credentials are not sufficiently trusted.
LockedException Thrown if an authentication request is rejected because the account is locked.
SpringSecurityException Abstract superclass for all exceptions thrown in the security package and subpackages.

Package org.springframework.security Description

Provides core Spring Security interfaces and classes.

Spring Security Framework

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