Spring Security Framework

Interface ConfigAttribute

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Jsr250SecurityConfig, SecurityConfig

public interface ConfigAttribute
extends Serializable

Stores a security system related configuration attribute.

When an AbstractSecurityInterceptor is setup, a list of configuration attributes is defined for secure object patterns. These configuration attributes have special meaning to a RunAsManager, AccessDecisionManager or AccessDecisionManager delegate.

Stored at runtime with other ConfigAttributes for the same secure object target within a ConfigAttributeDefinition.

Ben Alex

Method Summary
 String getAttribute()
          If the ConfigAttribute can be represented as a String and that String is sufficient in precision to be relied upon as a configuration parameter by a RunAsManager, AccessDecisionManager or AccessDecisionManager delegate, this method should return such a String.

Method Detail


String getAttribute()
If the ConfigAttribute can be represented as a String and that String is sufficient in precision to be relied upon as a configuration parameter by a RunAsManager, AccessDecisionManager or AccessDecisionManager delegate, this method should return such a String.

If the ConfigAttribute cannot be expressed with sufficient precision as a String, null should be returned. Returning null will require any relying classes to specifically support the ConfigAttribute implementation, so returning null should be avoided unless actually required.

a representation of the configuration attribute (or null if the configuration attribute cannot be expressed as a String with sufficient precision).

Spring Security Framework

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