Spring Security Framework

Package org.springframework.security.authoritymapping

Interface Summary
Attributes2GrantedAuthoritiesMapper Interface to be implemented by classes that can map a list of security attributes (such as roles or group names) to a list of Spring Security GrantedAuthorities.
MappableAttributesRetriever Interface to be implemented by classes that can retrieve a list of mappable security attribute strings (for example the list of all available J2EE roles in a web or EJB application).

Class Summary
MapBasedAttributes2GrantedAuthoritiesMapper This class implements the Attributes2GrantedAuthoritiesMapper and MappableAttributesRetriever interfaces based on the supplied Map.
SimpleAttributes2GrantedAuthoritiesMapper This class implements the Attributes2GrantedAuthoritiesMapper interface by doing a one-to-one mapping from roles to Spring Security GrantedAuthorities.
SimpleMappableAttributesRetriever This class implements the MappableAttributesRetriever interface by just returning a list of mappable attributes as previously set using the corresponding setter method.
XmlMappableAttributesRetriever This implementation for the MappableAttributesRetriever interface retrieves the list of mappable attributes from an XML file.

Spring Security Framework

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