Spring Security Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use RunAsManager
org.springframework.security.intercept Actually enforces the security and ties the whole security system together. 
org.springframework.security.runas Allows secure objects to be run under a different authentication identity. 

Uses of RunAsManager in org.springframework.security.intercept

Methods in org.springframework.security.intercept that return RunAsManager
 RunAsManager AbstractSecurityInterceptor.getRunAsManager()

Methods in org.springframework.security.intercept with parameters of type RunAsManager
 void AbstractSecurityInterceptor.setRunAsManager(RunAsManager runAsManager)

Uses of RunAsManager in org.springframework.security.runas

Classes in org.springframework.security.runas that implement RunAsManager
 class NullRunAsManager
          Implementation of a RunAsManager that does nothing.
 class RunAsManagerImpl
          Basic concrete implementation of a RunAsManager.

Spring Security Framework

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