Spring Security Framework

Package org.springframework.security.util

General utility classes used throughout the Spring Security framework.


Interface Summary
PortMapper PortMapper implementations provide callers with information about which HTTP ports are associated with which HTTPS ports on the system, and vice versa.
PortResolver A PortResolver determines the port a web request was received on.
ThrowableCauseExtractor Interface for handlers extracting the cause out of a specific Throwable type.
UrlMatcher Strategy for deciding whether configured path matches a submitted candidate URL.

Class Summary
AntUrlPathMatcher Ant path strategy for URL matching.
EncryptionUtils A static utility class that can encrypt and decrypt text.
FieldUtils Offers static methods for directly manipulating static fields.
FilterChainProxy Delegates Filter requests to a list of Spring-managed beans.
FilterInvocationUtils Static utility methods for creating FilterInvocations usable within Spring Security.
FilterToBeanProxy Deprecated. use DelegatingFilterProxy instead
InMemoryResource An in memory implementation of Spring's Resource interface.
MethodInvocationUtils Static utility methods for creating MethodInvocations usable within Spring Security.
PortMapperImpl Concrete implementation of PortMapper that obtains HTTP:HTTPS pairs from the application context.
PortResolverImpl Concrete implementation of PortResolver that obtains the port from ServletRequest.getServerPort().
RedirectUrlBuilder Internal class for building redirect URLs.
Sha512DigestUtils Provides SHA512 digest methods.
SimpleMethodInvocation Represents the AOP Alliance MethodInvocation.
StringSplitUtils Provides several String manipulation methods.
TextUtils Utilities for working with Strings and text.
ThrowableAnalyzer Handler for analyzing Throwable instances.
UrlUtils Provides static methods for composing URLs.

Exception Summary

Package org.springframework.security.util Description

General utility classes used throughout the Spring Security framework.

Spring Security Framework

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