
Strategies for mapping a list of attributes (such as roles or LDAP groups) to a list of GrantedAuthoritys.


Interface Summary
Attributes2GrantedAuthoritiesMapper Interface to be implemented by classes that can map a list of security attributes (such as roles or group names) to a list of Spring Security GrantedAuthorities.
MappableAttributesRetriever Interface to be implemented by classes that can retrieve a list of mappable security attribute strings (for example the list of all available J2EE roles in a web or EJB application).

Class Summary
MapBasedAttributes2GrantedAuthoritiesMapper This class implements the Attributes2GrantedAuthoritiesMapper and MappableAttributesRetriever interfaces based on the supplied Map.
SimpleAttributes2GrantedAuthoritiesMapper This class implements the Attributes2GrantedAuthoritiesMapper interface by doing a one-to-one mapping from roles to Spring Security GrantedAuthorities.
SimpleMappableAttributesRetriever This class implements the MappableAttributesRetriever interface by just returning a list of mappable attributes as previously set using the corresponding setter method.

Package Description

Strategies for mapping a list of attributes (such as roles or LDAP groups) to a list of GrantedAuthoritys.

Provides a layer of indirection between a security data repository and the logical authorities required within an application.