
Implements a vote-based approach to authorization decisions.


Interface Summary
LabeledData This interface indicates data objects that carry a label.
LabelParameterStrategy This is a strategy interface for determining which parts of a method invocation are labeled.

Class Summary
AbstractAccessDecisionManager Abstract implementation of AccessDecisionManager.
AbstractAclVoter Provides helper methods for writing domain object ACL voters.
AffirmativeBased Simple concrete implementation of AccessDecisionManager that grants access if any AccessDecisionVoter returns an affirmative response.
AuthenticatedVoter Votes if a ConfigAttribute.getAttribute() of IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY or IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED or IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY is present.
ConsensusBased Simple concrete implementation of AccessDecisionManager that uses a consensus-based approach.
InterfaceBasedLabelParameterStrategy This is a very useful implementation of the LabelParameterStrategy.
LabelBasedAclVoter Deprecated. Use new spring-security-acl module instead
RoleHierarchyVoter Extended RoleVoter which uses a RoleHierarchy definition to determine the roles allocated to the current user before voting.
RoleVoter Votes if any ConfigAttribute.getAttribute() starts with a prefix indicating that it is a role.
UnanimousBased Simple concrete implementation of AccessDecisionManager that requires all voters to abstain or grant access.

Package Description

Implements a vote-based approach to authorization decisions.