Interface RemoteAuthenticationManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface RemoteAuthenticationManager

Allows remote clients to attempt authentication.

Method Summary
 Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> attemptAuthentication(String username, String password)
          Attempts to authenticate the remote client using the presented username and password.

Method Detail


Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> attemptAuthentication(String username,
                                                             String password)
                                                             throws RemoteAuthenticationException
Attempts to authenticate the remote client using the presented username and password. If authentication is successful, a collection of GrantedAuthority objects will be returned.

In order to maximise remoting protocol compatibility, a design decision was taken to operate with minimal arguments and return only the minimal amount of information required for remote clients to enable/disable relevant user interface commands etc. There is nothing preventing users from implementing their own equivalent package that works with more complex object types.

username - the username the remote client wishes to authenticate with.
password - the password the remote client wishes to authenticate with.
all of the granted authorities the specified username and password have access to.
RemoteAuthenticationException - if the authentication failed.