Spring Security Core | |
org.springframework.security.access | Core access-control related code, including security metadata related classes, interception code, access control
annotations, EL support and voter-based implementations of the central
AccessDecisionManager interface. |
org.springframework.security.access.annotation | Support for JSR-250 and Spring Security @Secured annotations. |
org.springframework.security.access.event | Authorization event and listener classes. |
org.springframework.security.access.expression | Expression handling code to support the use of Spring-EL based expressions in @PreAuthorize , @PreFilter ,
@PostAuthorize and @PostFilter annotations. |
org.springframework.security.access.expression.method | Implementation of expression-based method security. |
org.springframework.security.access.hierarchicalroles | Role hierarchy implementation. |
org.springframework.security.access.intercept | Abstract level security interception classes which are responsible for enforcing the configured security constraints for a secure object. |
org.springframework.security.access.intercept.aopalliance | Enforces security for AOP Alliance MethodInvocation s, such as via Spring AOP. |
org.springframework.security.access.intercept.aspectj | Enforces security for AspectJ JointPoint s, delegating secure object callbacks to the calling aspect. |
org.springframework.security.access.method | Provides SecurityMetadataSource implementations for securing Java method invocations via different
AOP libraries. |
org.springframework.security.access.prepost | Contains the infrastructure classes for handling the @PreAuthorize , @PreFilter , @PostAuthorize
and @PostFilter annotations. |
org.springframework.security.access.vote | Implements a vote-based approach to authorization decisions. |
org.springframework.security.authentication | Core classes and interfaces related to user authentication, which are used throughout Spring Security. |
org.springframework.security.authentication.dao | An AuthenticationProvider which relies upon a data access object. |
org.springframework.security.authentication.encoding | Password encoding implementations. |
org.springframework.security.authentication.event | Authentication success and failure events which can be published to the Spring application context. |
org.springframework.security.authentication.jaas | An authentication provider for JAAS. |
org.springframework.security.authentication.jaas.event | JAAS authentication events which can be published to the Spring application context by the JAAS authentication provider. |
org.springframework.security.authentication.jaas.memory | An in memory JAAS implementation. |
org.springframework.security.authentication.rcp | Allows remote clients to authenticate and obtain a populated Authentication object. |
org.springframework.security.core | Core classes and interfaces related to user authentication and authorization, as well as the maintenance of a security context. |
org.springframework.security.core.authority | The default implementation of the GrantedAuthority interface. |
org.springframework.security.core.authority.mapping | Strategies for mapping a list of attributes (such as roles or LDAP groups) to a list of
GrantedAuthority s. |
org.springframework.security.core.context | Classes related to the establishment of a security context for the duration of a request (such as an HTTP or RMI invocation). |
org.springframework.security.core.session | Session abstraction which is provided by the org.springframework.security.core.session.SessionInformation
SessionInformation class. |
org.springframework.security.core.token | A service for building secure random tokens. |
org.springframework.security.core.userdetails | The standard interfaces for implementing user data DAOs. |
org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.cache | Implementations of UserCache . |
org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.jdbc | Exposes a JDBC-based authentication repository, implementing
org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.UserDetailsService UserDetailsService . |
org.springframework.security.core.userdetails.memory | Exposes an in-memory authentication repository. |
org.springframework.security.provisioning | Contains simple user and authority group account provisioning interfaces together with a a JDBC-based implementation. |
org.springframework.security.remoting.dns | DNS resolution. |
org.springframework.security.remoting.httpinvoker | Enables use of Spring's HttpInvoker extension points to
present the principal and credentials located
in the ContextHolder via BASIC authentication. |
org.springframework.security.remoting.rmi | Enables use of Spring's RMI remoting extension points to propagate the SecurityContextHolder (which
should contain an Authentication request token) from one JVM to the remote JVM. |
org.springframework.security.util | General utility classes used throughout the Spring Security framework. |
Spring Security Web | |
org.springframework.security.web | Spring Security's web security module. |
org.springframework.security.web.access | Access-control related classes and packages. |
org.springframework.security.web.access.channel | Classes that ensure web requests are received over required transport channels. |
org.springframework.security.web.access.expression | Implementation of web security expressions. |
org.springframework.security.web.access.intercept | Enforcement of security for HTTP requests, typically by the URL requested. |
org.springframework.security.web.authentication | Authentication processing mechanisms, which respond to the submission of authentication credentials using various protocols (eg BASIC, CAS, form login etc). |
org.springframework.security.web.authentication.logout | Logout functionality based around a filter which handles a specific logout URL. |
org.springframework.security.web.authentication.preauth | Support for "pre-authenticated" scenarios, where Spring Security assumes the incoming request has already been authenticated by some externally configured system. |
org.springframework.security.web.authentication.preauth.j2ee | Pre-authentication support for container-authenticated requests. |
org.springframework.security.web.authentication.preauth.websphere | Websphere-specific pre-authentication classes. |
org.springframework.security.web.authentication.preauth.x509 | X.509 client certificate authentication support. |
org.springframework.security.web.authentication.rememberme | Support for remembering a user between different web sessions. |
org.springframework.security.web.authentication.session | Strategy interface and implementations for handling session-related behaviour for a newly authenticated user. |
org.springframework.security.web.authentication.switchuser | Provides HTTP-based "switch user" (su) capabilities. |
org.springframework.security.web.authentication.ui | Authentication user-interface rendering code. |
org.springframework.security.web.authentication.www | WWW-Authenticate based authentication mechanism implementations: Basic and Digest authentication. |
org.springframework.security.web.context | Classes which are responsible for maintaining the security context between HTTP requests. |
org.springframework.security.web.context.request.async | |
org.springframework.security.web.csrf | |
org.springframework.security.web.firewall | |
org.springframework.security.web.header | |
org.springframework.security.web.header.writers | |
org.springframework.security.web.header.writers.frameoptions | |
org.springframework.security.web.jaasapi | Makes a JAAS Subject available as the current Subject. |
org.springframework.security.web.savedrequest | Classes related to the caching of an HttpServletRequest which requires authentication. |
org.springframework.security.web.servlet.support.csrf | |
org.springframework.security.web.servletapi | Populates a Servlet request with a new Spring Security compliant HttpServletRequestWrapper . |
org.springframework.security.web.session | Session management filters, HttpSession events and publisher classes. |
org.springframework.security.web.util | Web utility classes. |
Spring Security LDAP | |
org.springframework.security.ldap | Spring Security's LDAP module. |
org.springframework.security.ldap.authentication | The LDAP authentication provider package. |
org.springframework.security.ldap.authentication.ad | |
org.springframework.security.ldap.ppolicy | Implementation of password policy functionality based on the Password Policy for LDAP Directories. |
org.springframework.security.ldap.search | LdapUserSearch implementations. |
org.springframework.security.ldap.server | Embedded Apache Directory Server implementation, as used by the configuration namespace. |
org.springframework.security.ldap.userdetails | LDAP-focused UserDetails implementations which map from a ubset of the data
contained in some of the standard LDAP types (such as InetOrgPerson ). |
Spring Security OpenID | |
org.springframework.security.openid | Authenticates standard web browser users via OpenID. |
Spring Security CAS | |
org.springframework.security.cas | Spring Security support for Jasig's Central Authentication Service (CAS). |
org.springframework.security.cas.authentication | An AuthenticationProvider that can process CAS service tickets and proxy tickets. |
org.springframework.security.cas.userdetails | |
org.springframework.security.cas.web | Authenticates standard web browser users via CAS. |
org.springframework.security.cas.web.authentication | Authentication processing mechanisms which respond to the submission of authentication credentials using CAS. |
Spring Security ACL | |
org.springframework.security.acls | The Spring Security ACL package which implements instance-based security for domain objects. |
org.springframework.security.acls.afterinvocation | After-invocation providers for collection and array filtering. |
org.springframework.security.acls.domain | Basic implementation of access control lists (ACLs) interfaces. |
org.springframework.security.acls.jdbc | JDBC-based persistence of ACL information |
org.springframework.security.acls.model | Interfaces and shared classes to manage access control lists (ACLs) for domain object instances. |
Spring Security Taglibs | |
org.springframework.security.taglibs | Security related tag libraries that can be used in JSPs and templates. |
org.springframework.security.taglibs.authz | JSP Security tag library implementation. |
org.springframework.security.taglibs.velocity |
Other Packages | |
org.springframework.security.concurrent | |
org.springframework.security.scheduling | |
org.springframework.security.task |