Class JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements AuthenticationManagerResolver<javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest>
    An implementation of AuthenticationManagerResolver that resolves a JWT-based AuthenticationManager based on the Issuer in a signed JWT (JWS). To use, this class must be able to determine whether or not the `iss` claim is trusted. Recall that anyone can stand up an authorization server and issue valid tokens to a resource server. The simplest way to achieve this is to supply a whitelist of trusted issuers in the constructor. This class derives the Issuer from the `iss` claim found in the HttpServletRequest's Bearer Token.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver

        public JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver​(java.lang.String... trustedIssuers)
        Construct a JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver using the provided parameters
        trustedIssuers - a whitelist of trusted issuers
      • JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver

        public JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> trustedIssuers)
        Construct a JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver using the provided parameters
        trustedIssuers - a whitelist of trusted issuers
      • JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver

        public JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver​(AuthenticationManagerResolver<java.lang.String> issuerAuthenticationManagerResolver)
        Construct a JwtIssuerAuthenticationManagerResolver using the provided parameters Note that the AuthenticationManagerResolver provided in this constructor will need to verify that the issuer is trusted. This should be done via a whitelist. One way to achieve this is with a Map where the keys are the known issuers:
             Map<String, AuthenticationManager> authenticationManagers = new HashMap<>();
             authenticationManagers.put("", managerOne);
             authenticationManagers.put("", managerTwo);
             JwtAuthenticationManagerResolver resolver = new JwtAuthenticationManagerResolver
        The keys in the Map are the whitelist.
        issuerAuthenticationManagerResolver - a strategy for resolving the AuthenticationManager by the issuer