Class Argon2PasswordEncoder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Argon2PasswordEncoder
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements PasswordEncoder

    Implementation of PasswordEncoder that uses the Argon2 hashing function. Clients can optionally supply the length of the salt to use, the length of the generated hash, a cpu cost parameter, a memory cost parameter and a parallelization parameter.


    The currently implementation uses Bouncy castle which does not exploit parallelism/optimizations that password crackers will, so there is an unnecessary asymmetry between attacker and defender.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Argon2PasswordEncoder

        public Argon2PasswordEncoder()
        Constructs an Argon2 password encoder with a salt length of 16 bytes, a hash length of 32 bytes, parallelism of 1, memory cost of 1 << 12 and 3 iterations.
      • Argon2PasswordEncoder

        public Argon2PasswordEncoder​(int saltLength,
                                     int hashLength,
                                     int parallelism,
                                     int memory,
                                     int iterations)
        Constructs an Argon2 password encoder with the provided parameters.
        saltLength - the salt length (in bytes)
        hashLength - the hash length (in bytes)
        parallelism - the parallelism
        memory - the memory cost
        iterations - the number of iterations
    • Method Detail

      • defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_2

        public static Argon2PasswordEncoder defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_2()
        Constructs an Argon2 password encoder with a salt length of 16 bytes, a hash length of 32 bytes, parallelism of 1, memory cost of 1 << 12 and 3 iterations.
        the Argon2PasswordEncoder
      • defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8

        public static Argon2PasswordEncoder defaultsForSpringSecurity_v5_8()
        Constructs an Argon2 password encoder with a salt length of 16 bytes, a hash length of 32 bytes, parallelism of 1, memory cost of 1 << 14 and 2 iterations.
        the Argon2PasswordEncoder
      • encode

        public java.lang.String encode​(java.lang.CharSequence rawPassword)
        Description copied from interface: PasswordEncoder
        Encode the raw password. Generally, a good encoding algorithm applies a SHA-1 or greater hash combined with an 8-byte or greater randomly generated salt.
        Specified by:
        encode in interface PasswordEncoder
      • matches

        public boolean matches​(java.lang.CharSequence rawPassword,
                               java.lang.String encodedPassword)
        Description copied from interface: PasswordEncoder
        Verify the encoded password obtained from storage matches the submitted raw password after it too is encoded. Returns true if the passwords match, false if they do not. The stored password itself is never decoded.
        Specified by:
        matches in interface PasswordEncoder
        rawPassword - the raw password to encode and match
        encodedPassword - the encoded password from storage to compare with
        true if the raw password, after encoding, matches the encoded password from storage
      • upgradeEncoding

        public boolean upgradeEncoding​(java.lang.String encodedPassword)
        Description copied from interface: PasswordEncoder
        Returns true if the encoded password should be encoded again for better security, else false. The default implementation always returns false.
        Specified by:
        upgradeEncoding in interface PasswordEncoder
        encodedPassword - the encoded password to check
        true if the encoded password should be encoded again for better security, else false.