Class DefaultMessageSecurityExpressionHandler<T>

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultMessageSecurityExpressionHandler

        public DefaultMessageSecurityExpressionHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • createEvaluationContext

        public org.springframework.expression.EvaluationContext createEvaluationContext​(java.util.function.Supplier<Authentication> authentication,
                                                                                        org.springframework.messaging.Message<T> message)
        Description copied from interface: SecurityExpressionHandler
        Provides an evaluation context in which to evaluate security expressions for the invocation type. You can override this method in order to provide a custom implementation that uses lazy initialization of the Authentication object. By default, this method uses eager initialization of the Authentication object.
        authentication - the Supplier of the Authentication to use
        message - the SecurityExpressionHandler to use
        the EvaluationContext to use