Class ServiceAuthenticationDetailsSource

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ServiceAuthenticationDetailsSource extends Object implements AuthenticationDetailsSource<jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest,ServiceAuthenticationDetails>
The AuthenticationDetailsSource that is set on the CasAuthenticationFilter should return a value that implements ServiceAuthenticationDetails if the application needs to authenticate dynamic service urls. The ServiceAuthenticationDetailsSource#buildDetails(HttpServletRequest) creates a default ServiceAuthenticationDetails.
  • Constructor Details

    • ServiceAuthenticationDetailsSource

      public ServiceAuthenticationDetailsSource(ServiceProperties serviceProperties)
      Creates an implementation that uses the specified ServiceProperties and the default CAS artifactParameterName.
      serviceProperties - The ServiceProperties to use to construct the serviceUrl.
    • ServiceAuthenticationDetailsSource

      public ServiceAuthenticationDetailsSource(ServiceProperties serviceProperties, String artifactParameterName)
      Creates an implementation that uses the specified artifactParameterName
      serviceProperties - The ServiceProperties to use to construct the serviceUrl.
      artifactParameterName - the artifactParameterName that is removed from the current URL. The result becomes the service url. Cannot be null and cannot be an empty String.
  • Method Details