7. WebSession Integration

Spring Session provides transparent integration with Spring WebFlux’s WebSession. This means that developers can switch the WebSession implementation out with an implementation that is backed by Spring Session.

7.1 Why Spring Session & WebSession?

We have already mentioned that Spring Session provides transparent integration with Spring WebFlux’s WebSession, but what benefits do we get out of this? As with HttpSession, Spring Session makes it trivial to support clustered sessions without being tied to an application container specific solution.

7.2 WebSession with Redis

Using Spring Session with WebSession is enabled by simply registering a WebSessionManager implementation backed by Spring Session’s ReactiveSessionRepository. The Spring configuration is responsible for creating a WebSessionManager that replaces the WebSession implementation with an implementation backed by Spring Session. Add the following Spring Configuration:

@EnableRedisWebSession 1
public class SessionConfiguration {

	public LettuceConnectionFactory redisConnectionFactory() {
		return new LettuceConnectionFactory(); 2



The @EnableRedisWebSession annotation creates a Spring Bean with the name of webSessionManager that implements the WebSessionManager. This is what is in charge of replacing the WebSession implementation to be backed by Spring Session. In this instance Spring Session is backed by Redis.


We create a RedisConnectionFactory that connects Spring Session to the Redis Server. We configure the connection to connect to localhost on the default port (6379) For more information on configuring Spring Data Redis, refer to the reference documentation.

7.3 How WebSession Integration Works

With Spring WebFlux and it’s WebSession things are considerably simpler for Spring Session to integrate with, compared to Servlet API and it’s HttpSession. Spring WebFlux provides WebSessionStore API which presents a strategy for persisting WebSession.


This section describes how Spring Session provides transparent integration with WebSession. The intent is so that user’s can understand what is happening under the covers. This functionality is already integrated and you do NOT need to implement this logic yourself.

First we create a custom SpringSessionWebSession that delegates to Spring Session’s Session. It looks something like the following:

public class SpringSessionWebSession implements WebSession {

	enum State {

	private final S session;

	private AtomicReference<State> state = new AtomicReference<>();

	SpringSessionWebSession(S session, State state) {
		this.session = session;

	public void start() {
		this.state.compareAndSet(State.NEW, State.STARTED);

	public boolean isStarted() {
		State value = this.state.get();
		return (State.STARTED.equals(value)
				|| (State.NEW.equals(value) && !this.session.getAttributes().isEmpty()));

	public Mono<Void> changeSessionId() {
		return Mono.defer(() -> {
			return save();

	// ... other methods delegate to the original Session

Next, we create a custom WebSessionStore that delegates to the ReactiveSessionRepository and wraps Session into custom WebSession implementation:

public class SpringSessionWebSessionStore<S extends Session> implements WebSessionStore {

	private final ReactiveSessionRepository<S> sessions;

	public SpringSessionWebSessionStore(ReactiveSessionRepository<S> reactiveSessionRepository) {
		this.sessions = reactiveSessionRepository;

	// ...

In order to be detected by Spring WebFlux, this custom WebSessionStore needs to be registered with ApplicationContext as bean named webSessionManager. For additional information on Spring WebFlux, refer to the Spring Framework Reference Documentation.