Class AbstractShell

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Shell, ShellPromptAccessor, ShellStatusProvider
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractShell
extends AbstractShellStatusPublisher
implements Shell

Provides a base Shell implementation.

Field Summary
static String completionKeys
protected  ExitShellRequest exitShellRequest
protected  boolean inBlockComment
protected  Logger logger
protected static String ROO_PROMPT
static String shellPrompt
Fields inherited from class
shellStatus, shellStatusListeners
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void blockCommentBegin()
 void blockCommentFinish()
 CommandResult executeCommand(String line)
          Runs the specified command.
 boolean executeScriptLine(String line)
          Execute the single line from a script.
 void flash(Level level, String message, String slot)
          Simple implementation of flash(Level, String, String) that simply displays the message via the logger.
protected abstract  ExecutionStrategy getExecutionStrategy()
 ExitShellRequest getExitShellRequest()
 File getHome()
          Obtains the home directory for the current shell instance.
protected abstract  String getHomeAsString()
protected abstract  Parser getParser()
 String getShellPrompt()
protected  void handleExecutionResult(Object result)
          Handles the result of execution of a command.
protected  void logCommandIfRequired(String line, boolean successful)
          Allows a subclass to log the execution of a well-formed command.
protected  void logCommandToOutput(String processedLine)
          Allows a subclass to actually write the resulting logged command to some form of output.
 void setPromptPath(String path)
          Base implementation of the Shell.setPromptPath(String) method, designed for simple shell implementations.
 void setPromptPath(String path, boolean overrideStyle)
          Default implementation of Shell#setPromptPath(String, boolean)) method to satisfy STS compatibility.
 String versionInfo()
Methods inherited from class
addShellStatusListener, getShellStatus, removeShellStatusListener, setShellStatus, setShellStatus
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
isDevelopmentMode, promptLoop, setDevelopmentMode
Methods inherited from interface
addShellStatusListener, getShellStatus, removeShellStatusListener

Field Detail


protected static final String ROO_PROMPT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static String completionKeys


public static String shellPrompt


protected final Logger logger


protected boolean inBlockComment


protected ExitShellRequest exitShellRequest
Constructor Detail


public AbstractShell()
Method Detail


protected abstract String getHomeAsString()


protected abstract ExecutionStrategy getExecutionStrategy()


protected abstract Parser getParser()


public boolean executeScriptLine(String line)
Execute the single line from a script.

This method can be overridden by sub-classes to pre-process script lines.


public CommandResult executeCommand(String line)
Description copied from interface: Shell
Runs the specified command. Control will return to the caller after the command is run.

Specified by:
executeCommand in interface Shell
line - to execute (required)
true if the command was successful, false if there was an exception


protected void logCommandIfRequired(String line,
                                    boolean successful)
Allows a subclass to log the execution of a well-formed command. This is invoked after a command has completed, and indicates whether the command returned normally or returned an exception. Note that attempted commands that are not well-formed (eg they are missing a mandatory argument) will never be presented to this method, as the command execution is never actually attempted in those cases. This method is only invoked if an attempt is made to execute a particular command.

Implementations should consider specially handling the "script" commands, and also indicating whether a command was successful or not. Implementations that wish to behave consistently with other AbstractShell subclasses are encouraged to simply override logCommandToOutput(String) instead, and only override this method if you actually need to fine-tune the output logic.

line - the parsed line (any comments have been removed; never null)
successful - if the command was successful or not


protected void logCommandToOutput(String processedLine)
Allows a subclass to actually write the resulting logged command to some form of output. This frees subclasses from needing to implement the logic within logCommandIfRequired(String, boolean).

Implementations should invoke getExitShellRequest() to monitor any attempts to exit the shell and release resources such as output log files.

processedLine - the line that should be appended to some type of output (excluding the \n character)


public void setPromptPath(String path)
Base implementation of the Shell.setPromptPath(String) method, designed for simple shell implementations. Advanced implementations (eg those that support ANSI codes etc) will likely want to override this method and set the shellPrompt variable directly.

Specified by:
setPromptPath in interface Shell
path - to set (can be null or empty; must NOT be formatted in any special way eg ANSI codes)


public void setPromptPath(String path,
                          boolean overrideStyle)
Default implementation of Shell#setPromptPath(String, boolean)) method to satisfy STS compatibility.

Specified by:
setPromptPath in interface Shell
path - to set (can be null or empty)
overrideStyle -


public ExitShellRequest getExitShellRequest()
Specified by:
getExitShellRequest in interface Shell
null if no exit was requested, otherwise the last exit code indicated to the shell to use


public void blockCommentBegin()


public void blockCommentFinish()


public String versionInfo()


public String getShellPrompt()
Specified by:
getShellPrompt in interface ShellPromptAccessor
the shell prompt (never null; the result may include special characters such as ANSI escape codes if the implementation is using them)


public File getHome()
Obtains the home directory for the current shell instance.

Note: calls the getHomeAsString() method to allow subclasses to provide the home directory location as string using different environment-specific strategies.

If the path indicated by getHomeAsString() exists and refers to a directory, that directory is returned.

If the path indicated by getHomeAsString() exists and refers to a file, an exception is thrown.

If the path indicated by getHomeAsString() does not exist, it will be created as a directory. If this fails, an exception will be thrown.

Specified by:
getHome in interface Shell
the home directory for the current shell instance (which is guaranteed to exist and be a directory)


public void flash(Level level,
                  String message,
                  String slot)
Simple implementation of flash(Level, String, String) that simply displays the message via the logger. It is strongly recommended shell implementations override this method with a more effective approach.

Specified by:
flash in interface Shell
level - the importance of the message (cannot be null)
message - to display (cannot be null, but may be empty)
slot - the identification slot for the message (cannot be null or empty)


protected void handleExecutionResult(Object result)
Handles the result of execution of a command. Given result is expected to be not null. If result is a Iterable object, it will be iterated through to print the output of toString. For other type of objects, simply output of toString is shown. Subclasses can alter this implementation to handle the result differently.

result - not null result of execution of a command.