See: Description
Interface | Description |
Command | |
CommandRegistry |
Implementing this interface allows sub-systems (such as the help command) to
discover available commands.
CompletingParsedLine |
An extension of
ParsedLine that, being aware of the quoting and escaping rules
of the Parser that produced it, knows if and how a completion candidate
should be escaped/quoted. |
Input |
Represents the input buffer to the shell.
InputProvider |
To be implemented by components able to provide a "line" of user input, whether interactively or by batch.
MethodTargetRegistrar |
Strategy interface for registering commands.
ParameterResolver |
Implementations of this interface are responsible, once the command has been identified, of transforming the textual
input to an actual parameter object.
ResultHandler<T> |
Implementations know how to deal with results of method invocations, whether normal results or exceptions thrown.
TerminalSizeAware |
To be implemented by command result objects that can adapt to the terminal size when they are being rendered.
Class | Description |
Availability |
Indicates whether or not a command is currently available.
Command.Help |
Encapsulates help metadata about a shell command.
CompletionContext |
Represents the buffer context in which completion was triggered.
CompletionProposal |
Represents a proposal for TAB completion, made not only of the text to append, but also metadata about the proposal.
ConfigurableCommandRegistry |
CommandRegistry that supports registration of new commands. |
MethodTarget |
Represents a shell command behavior, i.e. code to be executed when a command is requested.
ParameterDescription |
Encapsulates information about a shell invokable method parameter, so that it can be documented.
Shell |
Main class implementing a shell loop.
SpringShellAutoConfiguration |
Creates supporting beans for running the Shell
Utils |
Some text utilities.
ValueResult |
ResolveResult for a successful ParameterResolver.resolve(org.springframework.core.MethodParameter, java.util.List<java.lang.String>) operation. |
Exception | Description |
CommandNotCurrentlyAvailable |
Indicates that a command exists but is currently not invokable.
CommandNotFound |
A result to be handled by the
ResultHandler when no command could be mapped to user input |
ExitRequest |
This exception, when thrown and caught, will ask the shell to gracefully shutdown.
ParameterMissingResolutionException |
Thrown by a
ParameterResolver when a parameter that should have been set has been left out altogether. |
ParameterResolverMissingException |
Thrown when no
ParameterResolver is found for a parameter during a ParameterResolver.resolve(org.springframework.core.MethodParameter, java.util.List<java.lang.String>)
operation. |
ParameterValidationException |
Thrown when one or more parameters fail bean validation constraints.
UnfinishedParameterResolutionException |
Thrown during parameter resolution, when a parameter has been identified, but could not be correctly resolved.
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