Interface BookActions

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BookActions

Defines operations for publishing OpenGraph actions pertaining to books. Many OpenGraph operations require approval from Facebook. See for details.

Method Summary
 String quoteBook(String bookUrl, String quote)
          Publishes a "books.quotes" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.
 String quoteBook(String bookUrl, String quote, ActionMetadata metadata)
          Publishes a "books.quotes" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.
 String rateBook(String bookUrl, float rating, int scale)
          Publishes a "books.rates" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.
 String rateBook(String bookUrl, float rating, int scale, ActionMetadata metadata)
          Publishes a "books.rates" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.
 String readBook(String bookUrl, long timestamp, float percentComplete)
          Publishes a "books.reads" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.
 String readBook(String bookUrl, long timestamp, float percentComplete, ActionMetadata metadata)
          Publishes a "books.reads" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.
 String wantsToRead(String bookUrl)
          Publishes a "books.wants_to_read" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.
 String wantsToRead(String bookUrl, ActionMetadata metadata)
          Publishes a "books.wants_to_read" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.

Method Detail


String readBook(String bookUrl,
                long timestamp,
                float percentComplete)
Publishes a "books.reads" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.

bookUrl - The URL of the book that is being read. Must reference an OpenGraph object of type "".
timestamp - The time that the book was read.
percentComplete - The percentage of the book that has been read.
The ID for the action created.


String readBook(String bookUrl,
                long timestamp,
                float percentComplete,
                ActionMetadata metadata)
Publishes a "books.reads" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.

bookUrl - The URL of the book that is being read. Must reference an OpenGraph object of type "".
timestamp - The time that the book was read.
percentComplete - The percentage of the book that has been read.
metadata - Action metadata to be applied to the action.
The ID for the action created.


String quoteBook(String bookUrl,
                 String quote)
Publishes a "books.quotes" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.

bookUrl - The URL of the book that is being quoted. Must reference an OpenGraph object of type "".
quote - The quote from the book.
The ID for the action created.


String quoteBook(String bookUrl,
                 String quote,
                 ActionMetadata metadata)
Publishes a "books.quotes" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.

bookUrl - The URL of the book that is being quoted. Must reference an OpenGraph object of type "".
quote - The quote from the book.
metadata - Action metadata to be applied to the action.
The ID for the action created.


String wantsToRead(String bookUrl)
Publishes a "books.wants_to_read" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.

bookUrl - The URL of the book that is wanted to be read. Must reference an OpenGraph object of type "".
The ID for the action created.


String wantsToRead(String bookUrl,
                   ActionMetadata metadata)
Publishes a "books.wants_to_read" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.

bookUrl - The URL of the book that is wanted to be read. Must reference an OpenGraph object of type "".
metadata - Action metadata to be applied to the action.
The ID for the action created.


String rateBook(String bookUrl,
                float rating,
                int scale)
Publishes a "books.rates" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.

bookUrl - The URL of the book that is being rated. Must reference an OpenGraph object of type "".
rating - The rating given to the book, relative to the scale attribute. (e.g., "{rating} out of {scale} stars")
scale - The maximum rating possible.
The ID for the action created.


String rateBook(String bookUrl,
                float rating,
                int scale,
                ActionMetadata metadata)
Publishes a "books.rates" action for the OpenGraph book object at the given URL.

bookUrl - The URL of the book that is being rated. Must reference an OpenGraph object of type "".
rating - The rating given to the book, relative to the scale attribute. (e.g., "{rating} out of {scale} stars")
scale - The maximum rating possible.
metadata - Action metadata to be applied to the action. May be an instance of RatingActionMetadata to apply review text and/or a review link to the rating.
The ID for the action created.