Spring Social

Interface OAuth2Operations

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public interface OAuth2Operations

A service interface for the OAuth2 flow. This interface allows you to conduct the "OAuth dance" with a service provider on behalf of a user.

Keith Donald, Roy Clarkson

Method Summary
 AccessGrant authenticateClient()
          Retrieves the client access grant using OAuth 2 client password flow.
 AccessGrant authenticateClient(java.lang.String scope)
          Retrieves the client access grant using OAuth 2 client password flow.
 java.lang.String buildAuthenticateUrl(GrantType grantType, OAuth2Parameters parameters)
          Construct the URL to redirect the user to for authentication.
 java.lang.String buildAuthorizeUrl(GrantType grantType, OAuth2Parameters parameters)
          Construct the URL to redirect the user to for authorization.
 AccessGrant exchangeCredentialsForAccess(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> additionalParameters)
          Exchanges user credentials for an access grant using OAuth2's Resource Owner Credentials Grant (aka, "password" grant).
 AccessGrant exchangeForAccess(java.lang.String authorizationCode, java.lang.String redirectUri, org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> additionalParameters)
          Exchange the authorization code for an access grant.
 AccessGrant refreshAccess(java.lang.String refreshToken, org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> additionalParameters)
          Refreshes a previous access grant.
 AccessGrant refreshAccess(java.lang.String refreshToken, java.lang.String scope, org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> additionalParameters)
          Deprecated. Set the scope via additional parameters. This can be done conveniently user OAuth2Parameters.

Method Detail


java.lang.String buildAuthorizeUrl(GrantType grantType,
                                   OAuth2Parameters parameters)
Construct the URL to redirect the user to for authorization.

grantType - specifies whether to use client-side or server-side OAuth flow
parameters - authorization parameters needed to build the URL
the absolute authorize URL to redirect the user to for authorization


java.lang.String buildAuthenticateUrl(GrantType grantType,
                                      OAuth2Parameters parameters)
Construct the URL to redirect the user to for authentication. The authenticate URL differs from the authorizationUrl slightly in that it does not require the user to authorize the app multiple times. This provides a better user experience for "Sign in with Provider" scenarios.

grantType - specifies whether to use client-side or server-side OAuth flow
parameters - authorization parameters needed to build the URL
the absolute authenticate URL to redirect the user to for authorization


AccessGrant exchangeForAccess(java.lang.String authorizationCode,
                              java.lang.String redirectUri,
                              org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> additionalParameters)
Exchange the authorization code for an access grant.

authorizationCode - the authorization code returned by the provider upon user authorization
redirectUri - the authorization callback url; this value must match the redirectUri registered with the provider
additionalParameters - any additional parameters to be sent when exchanging the authorization code for an access grant. Should not be encoded.
the access grant.


AccessGrant exchangeCredentialsForAccess(java.lang.String username,
                                         java.lang.String password,
                                         org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> additionalParameters)
Exchanges user credentials for an access grant using OAuth2's Resource Owner Credentials Grant (aka, "password" grant).

username - the user's username on the provider
password - the user's password on the provider
additionalParameters - any additional parameters to be sent when exchanging the credentials for an access grant. Should not be encoded.
the access grant.


AccessGrant refreshAccess(java.lang.String refreshToken,
                                     java.lang.String scope,
                                     org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> additionalParameters)
Deprecated. Set the scope via additional parameters. This can be done conveniently user OAuth2Parameters.

Refreshes a previous access grant.

refreshToken - the refresh token from the previous access grant.
scope - optional scope to narrow to when refreshing access; if null, the existing scope is preserved.
additionalParameters - any additional parameters to be sent when refreshing a previous access grant. Should not be encoded.
the access grant.


AccessGrant refreshAccess(java.lang.String refreshToken,
                          org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> additionalParameters)
Refreshes a previous access grant.

refreshToken - the refresh token from the previous access grant.
additionalParameters - any additional parameters to be sent when refreshing a previous access grant. Should not be encoded.
the access grant.


AccessGrant authenticateClient()
Retrieves the client access grant using OAuth 2 client password flow. This is an access grant that is based on the client id and password (a.k.a. client secret).

the access grant of the client only (not user related)


AccessGrant authenticateClient(java.lang.String scope)
Retrieves the client access grant using OAuth 2 client password flow. This is an access grant that is based on the client id and password (a.k.a. client secret).

scope - optional scope to get for the access grant
the access grant of the client only (not user related)

Spring Social