Spring Social

Annotation Type EnableInMemoryConnectionRepository

public @interface EnableInMemoryConnectionRepository

Annotation to enable in-memory persistence of connections. Configures a singleton InMemoryUsersConnectionRepository and a request-scoped InMemoryConnectionRepository.

Craig Walls

Optional Element Summary
 java.lang.String connectionFactoryLocatorRef
          The ID of the ConnectionFactoryLocator bean to fetch a ConnectionFactory from when creating/persisting connections.
 java.lang.String connectionRepositoryId
          The ID to assign to the ConnectionRepository bean.
 java.lang.String connectionSignUpRef
          Reference to ConnectionSignUp bean to execute to create a new local user profile in the event no user id could be mapped to a connection.
 java.lang.String userIdSourceRef
          The ID of a UserIdSource bean used to determine the unique identifier of the current user.
 java.lang.String usersConnectionRepositoryId
          The ID to assign to the UsersConnectionRepository bean.


public abstract java.lang.String connectionRepositoryId
The ID to assign to the ConnectionRepository bean. Defaults to "connectionRepository".



public abstract java.lang.String usersConnectionRepositoryId
The ID to assign to the UsersConnectionRepository bean. Defaults to "usersConnectionRepository".



public abstract java.lang.String connectionFactoryLocatorRef
The ID of the ConnectionFactoryLocator bean to fetch a ConnectionFactory from when creating/persisting connections. Defaults to "connectionFactoryLocator".



public abstract java.lang.String userIdSourceRef
The ID of a UserIdSource bean used to determine the unique identifier of the current user. Defaults to "userIdSource".



public abstract java.lang.String connectionSignUpRef
Reference to ConnectionSignUp bean to execute to create a new local user profile in the event no user id could be mapped to a connection. Allows for implicitly creating a user profile from connection data during a provider sign-in attempt. Defaults to null, indicating explicit sign-up will be required to complete the provider sign-in attempt.


Spring Social