Spring Social

Interface UsersConnectionRepository

All Known Implementing Classes:
InMemoryUsersConnectionRepository, JdbcUsersConnectionRepository

public interface UsersConnectionRepository

A data access interface for managing a global store of users connections to service providers. Provides data access operations that apply across multiple user records. Also acts as a factory for a user-specific ConnectionRepository.

Keith Donald
See Also:

Method Summary
 ConnectionRepository createConnectionRepository(java.lang.String userId)
          Create a single-user ConnectionRepository instance for the user assigned the given id.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> findUserIdsConnectedTo(java.lang.String providerId, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> providerUserIds)
          Find the ids of the users who are connected to the specific provider user accounts.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> findUserIdsWithConnection(Connection<?> connection)
          Find the ids for local application users that have the given Connection.

Method Detail


java.util.List<java.lang.String> findUserIdsWithConnection(Connection<?> connection)
Find the ids for local application users that have the given Connection. Used to support the ProviderSignIn scenario where the user id returned is used to sign a local application user in using his or her provider account. No entries indicates no application users are associated with the connection; ProviderSignInController will offer the user a signup page to register with the app. A single entry indicates that exactly one application user is associated with the connection and is used to sign in that user via ProviderSignInController. Multiple entries indicate that multiple application users are associated with the connection and handled as an error by ProviderSignInController.

connection - the service provider connection resulting from the provider sign-in attempt
the user ids associated with the connection.


java.util.Set<java.lang.String> findUserIdsConnectedTo(java.lang.String providerId,
                                                       java.util.Set<java.lang.String> providerUserIds)
Find the ids of the users who are connected to the specific provider user accounts.

providerId - the provider id, e.g. "facebook"
providerUserIds - the set of provider user ids e.g. ("125600", "131345", "54321").
the set of user ids connected to those service provider users, or empty if none.


ConnectionRepository createConnectionRepository(java.lang.String userId)
Create a single-user ConnectionRepository instance for the user assigned the given id. All operations on the returned repository instance are relative to the user.

userId - the id of the local user account.
the ConnectionRepository, exposing a number of operations for accessing and updating the given user's provider connections.

Spring Social