Interface ChoiceTransitionConfigurer<S,E>

Type Parameters:
S - the type of state
E - the type of event
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public interface ChoiceTransitionConfigurer<S,E> extends AnnotationConfigurerBuilder<StateMachineTransitionConfigurer<S,E>>
TransitionConfigurer interface for configuring Transition from a choice pseudo state.
Janne Valkealahti
  • Method Details

    • source

      ChoiceTransitionConfigurer<S,E> source(S source)
      Specify a source state S for this Transition.
      source - the source state S
      configurer for chaining
    • first

      ChoiceTransitionConfigurer<S,E> first(S target, Guard<S,E> guard)
      Specify a target state S as a first choice. This must be set.

      In normal if/else if/else this would represent if.

      target - the target state
      guard - the guard for this choice
      configurer for chaining
    • first

      ChoiceTransitionConfigurer<S,E> first(S target, Guard<S,E> guard, Action<S,E> action)
      Specify a target state S as a first choice associating an Action to outgoing vertex. This must be set.

      In normal if/else if/else this would represent if.

      target - the target state
      guard - the guard for this choice
      action - the action
      configurer for chaining
    • first

      ChoiceTransitionConfigurer<S,E> first(S target, Guard<S,E> guard, Action<S,E> action, Action<S,E> error)
      Specify a target state S as a first choice associating an Action to outgoing vertex. This must be set.

      In normal if/else if/else this would represent if.

      target - the target state
      guard - the guard for this choice
      action - the action
      error - action that will be called if any unexpected exception is thrown by the action.
      configurer for chaining
    • then

      ChoiceTransitionConfigurer<S,E> then(S target, Guard<S,E> guard)
      Specify a target state S as a then choice. This is optional. Multiple thens will preserve order.

      In normal if/else if/else this would represent else if.

      target - the target state
      guard - the guard for this choice
      configurer for chaining
    • then

      ChoiceTransitionConfigurer<S,E> then(S target, Guard<S,E> guard, Action<S,E> action)
      Specify a target state S as a then choice associating an Action to outgoing vertex. This is optional. Multiple thens will preserve order.

      In normal if/else if/else this would represent else if.

      target - the target state
      guard - the guard for this choice
      action - the action
      configurer for chaining
    • then

      ChoiceTransitionConfigurer<S,E> then(S target, Guard<S,E> guard, Action<S,E> action, Action<S,E> error)
      Specify a target state S as a then choice associating an Action to outgoing vertex. This is optional. Multiple thens will preserve order.

      In normal if/else if/else this would represent else if.

      target - the target state
      guard - the guard for this choice
      action - the action
      error - action that will be called if any unexpected exception is thrown by the action.
      configurer for chaining
    • last

      Specify a target state S as a last choice. This must be set.

      In normal if/else if/else this would represent else.

      target - the target state
      configurer for chaining
    • last

      ChoiceTransitionConfigurer<S,E> last(S target, Action<S,E> action)
      Specify a target state S as a last choice associating an Action to outgoing vertex. This must be set.

      In normal if/else if/else this would represent else.

      target - the target state
      action - the action
      configurer for chaining
    • last

      ChoiceTransitionConfigurer<S,E> last(S target, Action<S,E> action, Action<S,E> error)
      Specify a target state S as a last choice associating an Action to outgoing vertex. This must be set.

      In normal if/else if/else this would represent else.

      target - the target state
      action - the action
      error - action that will be called if any unexpected exception is thrown by the action.
      configurer for chaining