Package | Description |
org.springframework.vault |
Spring support for Hashicorp Vault.
org.springframework.vault.annotation |
Annotation support for the Spring Vault.
org.springframework.vault.authentication |
Support for authentication and session management.
org.springframework.vault.authentication.event |
Support classes for authentication application events.
org.springframework.vault.client |
Spring Vault Client abstraction.
org.springframework.vault.config |
Spring configuration for Vault.
org.springframework.vault.core |
Vault core support.
org.springframework.vault.core.env |
Spring Vault's environment abstraction consisting property source support.
| |
The core package implementing lease renewal and secret rotation.
| |
Lease domain classes.
| |
Support classes for lease application events.
org.springframework.vault.core.util |
Property transformer classes for Spring Vault core support.
org.springframework.vault.repository.configuration |
Support infrastructure for the configuration of Vault specific repositories.
org.springframework.vault.repository.convert |
Spring Vault specific converter infrastructure.
org.springframework.vault.repository.core |
Spring Vault core repository implementation.
org.springframework.vault.repository.mapping |
Infrastructure for the Vault JSON-to-object mapping subsystem.
org.springframework.vault.repository.query |
Query derivation mechanism for Vault specific repositories.
| |
Support infrastructure for query derivation of Vault specific repositories.
| |
Integration with Spring Security.
| |
Classes supporting the Vault packages, such as value objects.
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