Spring Web Flow

Interface ConversionService

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultConversionService, FacesConversionService, GenericConversionService

public interface ConversionService

A service interface for retrieving type conversion executors. The returned command objects are thread-safe and may be safely cached for use by client code. Type converters convert from one type to another.

Keith Donald

Method Summary
 java.lang.Object executeConversion(java.lang.Object source, java.lang.Class<?> targetClass)
          Execute a conversion of the source object provided to the specified targetClass
 java.lang.Object executeConversion(java.lang.String converterId, java.lang.Object source, java.lang.Class<?> targetClass)
          Execute a conversion using the custom converter with the provided id.
 java.lang.Class<?> getClassForAlias(java.lang.String alias)
          Lookup a class by its well-known alias.
 ConversionExecutor getConversionExecutor(java.lang.Class<?> sourceClass, java.lang.Class<?> targetClass)
          Return the default conversion executor capable of converting source objects of the specified sourceClass to instances of the targetClass.
 ConversionExecutor getConversionExecutor(java.lang.String id, java.lang.Class<?> sourceClass, java.lang.Class<?> targetClass)
          Return the custom conversion executor capable of converting source objects of the specified sourceClass to instances of the targetClass.
 org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionService getDelegateConversionService()
          Return the underlying Spring ConversionService.

Method Detail


java.lang.Object executeConversion(java.lang.Object source,
                                   java.lang.Class<?> targetClass)
                                   throws ConversionException
Execute a conversion of the source object provided to the specified targetClass

source - the source to convert from (may be null)
targetClass - the target class to convert to
the converted object, an instance of the targetClass
ConversionException - if an exception occurred during the conversion process


java.lang.Object executeConversion(java.lang.String converterId,
                                   java.lang.Object source,
                                   java.lang.Class<?> targetClass)
Execute a conversion using the custom converter with the provided id.

converterId - the id of the custom converter, which must be registered with this conversion service and capable of converting to the target class
source - the source to convert from (may be null)
targetClass - the target class to convert to
the converted object, an instance of the targetClass
ConversionException - if an exception occurred during the conversion process


ConversionExecutor getConversionExecutor(java.lang.Class<?> sourceClass,
                                         java.lang.Class<?> targetClass)
                                         throws ConversionExecutorNotFoundException
Return the default conversion executor capable of converting source objects of the specified sourceClass to instances of the targetClass.

The returned ConversionExecutor is thread-safe and may safely be cached for use in client code.

sourceClass - the source class to convert from (required)
targetClass - the target class to convert to (required)
the executor that can execute instance type conversion, never null
ConversionExecutorNotFoundException - when no suitable conversion executor could be found


ConversionExecutor getConversionExecutor(java.lang.String id,
                                         java.lang.Class<?> sourceClass,
                                         java.lang.Class<?> targetClass)
                                         throws ConversionExecutorNotFoundException
Return the custom conversion executor capable of converting source objects of the specified sourceClass to instances of the targetClass.

The returned ConversionExecutor is thread-safe and may safely be cached for use in client code.

id - the id of the custom conversion executor (required)
sourceClass - the source class to convert from (required)
targetClass - the target class to convert to (required)
the executor that can execute instance type conversion, never null
ConversionExecutorNotFoundException - when no suitable conversion executor could be found


java.lang.Class<?> getClassForAlias(java.lang.String alias)
Lookup a class by its well-known alias. For example, long for java.lang.Long

alias - the class alias
the class, or null if no alias exists


org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionService getDelegateConversionService()
Return the underlying Spring ConversionService.

the conversion service

Spring Web Flow