Spring Web Flow

Class TargetAccessError

  extended by org.springframework.binding.mapping.results.AbstractMappingResult
      extended by org.springframework.binding.mapping.results.TargetAccessError
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TargetAccessError
extends AbstractMappingResult

Indicates an exception occurred accessing the target object to be mapped to. Used to report source PropertyNotFoundException errors and general EvaluationException errors.

Keith Donald

Constructor Summary
TargetAccessError(Mapping mapping, java.lang.Object originalValue, EvaluationException cause)
          Creates a new target access error.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getCode()
          The mapping result code; for example, "success" , "typeMismatch", "propertyNotFound", or "evaluationException".
 java.lang.Throwable getErrorCause()
          Get the cause of the error result
 java.lang.Object getMappedValue()
          The actual value that was mapped to the target object.
 java.lang.Object getOriginalValue()
          The original value of the source object that was to be mapped.
 boolean isError()
          Indicates if this result is an error result.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.binding.mapping.results.AbstractMappingResult
getMapping, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TargetAccessError(Mapping mapping,
                         java.lang.Object originalValue,
                         EvaluationException cause)
Creates a new target access error.

originalValue - the value that was attempted to be mapped
cause - the underlying evaluation exception that occurred
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getCode()
Description copied from interface: MappingResult
The mapping result code; for example, "success" , "typeMismatch", "propertyNotFound", or "evaluationException".

Specified by:
getCode in interface MappingResult
Specified by:
getCode in class AbstractMappingResult


public boolean isError()
Description copied from interface: MappingResult
Indicates if this result is an error result.

Specified by:
isError in interface MappingResult
Specified by:
isError in class AbstractMappingResult


public java.lang.Throwable getErrorCause()
Description copied from interface: MappingResult
Get the cause of the error result

Specified by:
getErrorCause in interface MappingResult
Specified by:
getErrorCause in class AbstractMappingResult
the underyling cause, or null if this is not an error or there was no root cause.


public java.lang.Object getOriginalValue()
Description copied from interface: MappingResult
The original value of the source object that was to be mapped. May be null if this result is an error on the source object.

Specified by:
getOriginalValue in interface MappingResult
Specified by:
getOriginalValue in class AbstractMappingResult


public java.lang.Object getMappedValue()
Description copied from interface: MappingResult
The actual value that was mapped to the target object. Null if this result is an error.

Specified by:
getMappedValue in interface MappingResult
Specified by:
getMappedValue in class AbstractMappingResult

Spring Web Flow