Spring Web Flow

Package org.springframework.faces.webflow.context.portlet

Class Summary
InitParameterMap Map backed by a PortletContext for accessing Portlet initialization parameters.
JsfResourceRequestHandler Handles a request by delegating to the JSF ResourceHandler, which serves web application and classpath resources such as images, CSS and JavaScript files from well-known locations.
MultiValueRequestParameterMap A Map for accessing to PortletContext request parameters as a String array.
MultiValueRequestPropertyMap A Map for accessing to PortletContext request properties as a String array.
PortletExternalContextImpl An implementation of ExternalContext for use with Portlet requests.
PortletFacesContextFactory FacesContextFactory to support portlet environments.
PortletFacesContextImpl The default FacesContext implementation in Mojarra and in Apache MyFaces depends on the Servlet API.
PortletViewHandler JSF ViewHandler that adds support for generating Portlet compatible resource URLs.
RequestParameterMap<V> /** Base class for Maps allowing access to PortletContext request paramters.
RequestPropertyMap<V> Base class for Maps allowing access to PortletContext request properties.
SingleValueRequestParameterMap A Map for accessing to PortletContext request parameters containing single String values.
SingleValueRequestPropertyMap A Map for accessing to PortletContext request properties containing single String values.

Spring Web Flow