Spring Web Flow

Package org.springframework.webflow.context.portlet

Contains the PortletExternalContext implementation for calling into Web Flow from a Portlet.


Interface Summary
FlowUrlHandler A interface for parsing and generating flow URLs.

Class Summary
DefaultFlowUrlHandler Default flow URL handler for SWF 2.
PortletContextMap Map backed by the Portlet context for accessing application scoped attributes.
PortletExternalContext Provides contextual information about an portlet environment that has interacted with Spring Web Flow.
PortletRequestMap Map backed by the Portlet request attribute map for accessing request local attributes.
PortletRequestParameterMap Map backed by the Portlet request parameter map for accessing request parameters.
PortletSessionMap A Shared Map backed by the Portlet session, for accessing session scoped attributes.

Package org.springframework.webflow.context.portlet Description

Contains the PortletExternalContext implementation for calling into Web Flow from a Portlet.

Spring Web Flow