Spring Web Flow

Package org.springframework.webflow.conversation.impl

Conversation manager implementations.


Interface Summary
ConversationLock A normalized interface for conversation locks, used to obtain exclusive access to a conversation.

Class Summary
ContainedConversation Internal Conversation implementation used by the conversation container.
ConversationContainer Container for conversations that is stored in the session.
JdkConcurrentConversationLock A conversation lock that relies on a ReentrantLock within Java 5's util.concurrent.locks package.
NoOpConversationLock A singleton lock that doesn't do anything.
SessionBindingConversationManager Simple implementation of a conversation manager that stores conversations in the session attribute map.
SimpleConversationId An id that uniquely identifies a conversation managed by a ConversationManager.

Exception Summary
BadlyFormattedConversationIdException Thrown if a conversation id could not be parsed.
LockInterruptedException Exception indicating that some Thread was interrupted during processing and as such processing was halted.
LockTimeoutException Thrown when a lock could not be acquired after a timeout period.

Package org.springframework.webflow.conversation.impl Description

Conversation manager implementations.

This package depends on the root conversation package.

Spring Web Flow