Spring Web Flow

Interface FlowModelRegistry

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public interface FlowModelRegistry
extends FlowModelLocator

A container of flow models. Extends FlowModelLocator for accessing registered Flow models for conversion to flow definitions.

Flow model registries can be configured with a "parent" registry to provide a hook into a larger flow model registry hierarchy.

Keith Donald, Scott Andrews

Method Summary
 void registerFlowModel(java.lang.String id, FlowModelHolder modelHolder)
          Register a flow model in this registry.
 void setParent(FlowModelRegistry parent)
          Sets this registry's parent registry.
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.webflow.engine.model.registry.FlowModelLocator

Method Detail


void setParent(FlowModelRegistry parent)
Sets this registry's parent registry. When asked by a client to locate a flow model this registry will query it's parent if it cannot fulfill the lookup request itself.

parent - the parent flow model registry, may be null


void registerFlowModel(java.lang.String id,
                       FlowModelHolder modelHolder)
Register a flow model in this registry. Registers a "holder", not the Flow model itself. This allows the actual Flow model to be loaded lazily only when needed, and also rebuilt at runtime when its underlying resource changes without re-deploy.

id - the id to register the flow model under
modelHolder - a holder holding the flow model to register

Spring Web Flow