Spring Web Flow

Interface FlowSession

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface FlowSession

A single, local instantiation of a flow definition launched within an overall flow execution.

This object maintains all instance state including session status within exactly one governing FlowExecution, as well as the current flow state. This object also acts as the local "flow scope" data model. Data in flow scope lives for the life of this object and is cleaned up automatically when this object is destroyed. Destruction happens when this session enters an end state.

Note that a flow session is in no way linked to an HTTP session. It just uses the familiar "session" naming convention to denote a stateful object.

Keith Donald, Erwin Vervaet
See Also:
FlowDefinition, FlowExecution

Method Summary
 FlowDefinition getDefinition()
          Returns the flow definition backing this session.
 FlowSession getParent()
          Returns the parent flow session in the current flow execution, or null if there is no parent flow session.
 MutableAttributeMap<java.lang.Object> getScope()
          Return this session's local attributes; the basis for "flow scope" (flow session scope).
 StateDefinition getState()
          Returns the current state of this flow session.
 MutableAttributeMap<java.lang.Object> getViewScope()
          Returns a mutable map for data held in "view scope".
 boolean isEmbeddedMode()
          Returns true if the flow session was started in embedded page mode.
 boolean isRoot()
          Returns whether this flow session is the root flow session in the ongoing flow execution.

Method Detail


FlowDefinition getDefinition()
Returns the flow definition backing this session.


StateDefinition getState()
Returns the current state of this flow session. This value changes as the flow executes.


MutableAttributeMap<java.lang.Object> getScope()
Return this session's local attributes; the basis for "flow scope" (flow session scope).

the flow scope attributes


MutableAttributeMap<java.lang.Object> getViewScope()
                                                   throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Returns a mutable map for data held in "view scope". Attributes in this map are cleared out when the current view state exits.

view scope
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this flow session is not currently in a view state


boolean isEmbeddedMode()
Returns true if the flow session was started in embedded page mode. An embedded flow can make different assumptions with regards to whether redirect after post is necessary.


FlowSession getParent()
Returns the parent flow session in the current flow execution, or null if there is no parent flow session.


boolean isRoot()
Returns whether this flow session is the root flow session in the ongoing flow execution. The root flow session does not have a parent flow session.

Spring Web Flow